317/641 Impozzes Dicing! Working Torva/Pernix/Vitrus/Elysian&Divine Effect!+More

Don’t ask for rep, it doesn’t even mean anything.
On topic, everything in this seems to be from a tutorial, nothing unique and nothing hard to do.

Acorn, find my post where I linked a tutorial or snippet to everything in his media. :smiley:

Lol, that’s embarrassing. :stuck_out_tongue:

Keeps saying cannot find main class Gui grr…ive tried everything i can think of to fix it, anyone help?

Also, I made his most hated list. :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“RiiPiiNFtW, post:85, topic:418229”]Also, I made his most hated list. :p[/quote]um…congratz? o.0 you so proud brah?

totalystylin1 has been banned for asking for reputation points, and multiple account abuse, and last but not least reputation abuse. I would also like to remind you all that the rules must be followed on this thread so please keep the discussion related to the OP.

Any stupid posts past this will be met with an infraction.

Not aloud to ask for ++Rep.

[quote=“Tom_BETA, post:87, topic:418229”]totalystylin1 has been banned for asking for reputation points, and multiple account abuse, and last but not least reputation abuse. I would also like to remind you all that the rules must be followed on this thread so please keep the discussion related to the OP.

Any stupid posts past this will be met with an infraction.[/quote]

Techno, Tom already dealt with it.

Haveing some problems with the client dont know whats wrong with it if someone could help would be great

[quote=“wingzero442, post:90, topic:418229”]Haveing some problems with the client dont know whats wrong with it if someone could help would be great[/quote]‘Server Help’ section is great for questions like this one. ^^^

Well the problem is the torva items and some other items wont load on this client but isnt it the client that he’s useing?

im probley just useing the wrong item id do u kno what the item id is?

nice job i want to ask something can you make the normal thing of rs all the health atack and monster health x10 ? thats nice xD

How may i change ip in the source?

You don’t change it in the source, it’s in client.java client sided.

server =

Thats almost impossible making pi’s uncrappy…anyway good job. :smiley:

Exception in thread “Thread-2” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class server.Server
at server.GUI$1.run(GUI.java:28)Exception in thread “main”
idk wat that is and i would love to know how to change the ip to mine so it will work if anyone at all can help me out i would be super happy

my email is

How the fuck did this get to 6 pages? All you did was download xxdestructionxx and looked at some snippets/tutorials and hoped to not get errors.

Good job mate :cool: