4 Compiling Errors "Cannot Find Symbol"

I tried posing this once and it didn’t go through. I’m going to be a lot more blunt this time and get right into the basic stuff, what I cant accomplish and what I need your help with. - SORRY if im coming off as a dick… Not my intention.

This is the error I get when compiling;
what happened before this is I opened every file up in notepad p++ that had the server name in it, replaced all instances with NovaScape, and now this is happening.

Here are the files the errors are occurring in -
Cache Downloader - Errors 1 and 4, Lines 9 and 164. http://pastebin.com/hjPmQa9Z
Client.Java - Errors 2 and 3, lines 250 and 1169 - Note I was unable to post the whole client.java as it was to big, If you NEED more of the file, let me know I will post the rest. - http://pastebin.com/dgnfcqSU