A couple signatures~

Just got really bored on Bo2, decided to try a few designs. Feedback is welcome, Helpful Criticism is welcome. Flaming isn’t desired, but if you feel they need flame then go for it.

I’m not too sure on the text here, but I went for simple.

The “Graphics Design” text is hard to read, that was purposely done. I want the focus to go on the render, not the text. And I didn’t think I’d post these graphics, which is why I used my real name instead of my tag. “JGFX”

Edit; I saw some other posts, “boomz”, and I guess its necessary to inform the viewers that I am using Gimp? I find it, yes, less useful than Ps. Still highly capable of standardized Graphics Designing.

Very bad looking background, much negative space and unsharpened main renders.
If you really wanna become better into GFX check some tutorials;
Good luck

neeeeds a lot work! I see potential deep down though!

way too blury first render. i think backgrounds are ok.

GIMP is a great program if you know how yo use it (I clearly do not know how to use it too well) but the first render is too blurry and then second’s contrast is too high. Lower it and darken it a little bit. Keep working at it!