theres no client?

Wheres the client |=D

Mad server. I wanna play this :smiley:

AINTARO you’ve done i6t again, :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
i thought ur first dragon history was amazing now this just kicks all 317’s asses…GJ :smiley: :smiley:

DEFINATELY GONNA DOWNLOAD as soon as i defrag my shitty p.c. give u credits ov course.
gj keep up the good work

:slight_smile: :wink: :smiley: :mad: :frowning: :eek: :cool: :rolleyes: :stuck_out_tongue: :o :confused: :expressionless: ;D

Enough of the smileys

nice i’m using this but gonna change much on it 7/10 don’t like the home. with all the npc’s

Where can i dl a client for it? Because when i dled it only gave me a source :S

nice :slight_smile:

hey, why do the statius armour and zuriels show up as nulls in the shop??

Fail, Deltascape sucks ass. bad

No Client? :slight_smile:

how do you use the compareips command? :confused:

for the client you can perfectly youse the tobex deltascape webclient itworks perfect i host my own server with this source and use the weblcient as source(who want to play pm me)

was a decent server for a delta I guess.

ugh, how can i edit the welcome text ?

i edit it and compile but when i log on it still sais welcome to dragon-history…

please help ?

btw i just love the server :smiley:

and can you please update the client ? my friend so really wanna play this :]

lol ur client link?

I dont like it, sorry

ok so where is the client dl :O?

hello i was wondering if you could help me please,

I open the client and it laggs

could you help me stop the lagg please?

Aintario ud uda best :stuck_out_tongue:

are u gonna make more ? :stuck_out_tongue:

(not that u have to) but in my opinion ur servers tha best :stuck_out_tongue:

and u share :stuck_out_tongue: