IRL pictures of you

taken in my sisters bathroom, <3 Tree_climber

edit: smaller picture now…

Got my haircut yesterday though.

Theres me…Rate/Hate.

I just took this, as I was talking to my friend on webcam.

The girl is just a friend :smiley: It was my last day of secondary school, im now in college :smiley:

Blooooody hell thats a big picture! :smiley:

And ofcoure for all the haters :


Two years ago and in my school shirt. Lol.

Meh guess I won’t a be a Debbie Downer and not post…

In-game. Yeah I do play :wink:

The rents and I on Senior night:


More Peru:

Yeah I did go with a group, we had ~15 people + 3 teachers. It was an amazing trip.

No it wasn’t. I’m honestly not sure what that group is. We did travel through a travel agency named, “Global Travel Alliance.” They planned our whole trip, which included service work at a local Peruvian school.

Oh ok. What was it for? Medical treatment or learning purposes only?

The trip was just a service learning opportunity. We helped fix up a school in a poor area of Peru; however, we also vacationed and did many site-seeing activities.

The reason Im asking all of this is because my mom started a group called Global Impact that takes trips to different countries to give medical experience to college students in medicine. They treat villagers in villages they visit. And they recently took a trip to Peru in April.

<3 Thanks :-p

Yeah, no, we didn’t aid anyone. Just completed numerous hours of service work :slight_smile: I wasn’t in college at the time of this event either. In April, I was in my senior year of high school; however, I’m in college now.

i have party friday and this is what im going in its going to be a fun night.

Apple picking of course:

More in-game:
