Hello everyone. i am requesting a fairly large loading art for the game i am working on. i hate art so too make this easier i used creative commons sound and art but the art is much harder to find to suit my needs. I have a credit list for anything used so if its under creative commons so if you could make this art you will be added to the list. The resource files are encrypted and the game is going to be free to download.
Now that we are past all the mumbo jumbo here is what i am requesting but it doesn’t have to fit it too the tee.
File Format: .png (sorry i need png no psd or anything else)
Image Measurements : 1260x768
The image should say somthing along the lines of
Arcadanek ( as the main text because it is the chosen name and site but i wont list that)
The Spooky Adventure ( needs to be the same as its written due to that being one of our tag lines)
Background: black background
This is all the information i could think to list for this request. Thanks and if you have any other questions just post here or pm me.