Making myself admin?

i have made my own server but when i try to make my self admin using both the and my char profile it just resets my charrights to 0 any1 y it does this?

check your data folder and go on the admin or staff text book and add your name in it, might be that type of server

already tried i dont have a staff or admin txtbook

… go in to char files select ur char file and under the player rights type in 3.

ive tried that but then a soon as i log in then out it resets bak to 0

shut off ur server… do the char file thing compile the server then turn it on.

it wouldnt matter if your name is in the text pad, or you could try changeing the string owner thing on; i’ve forgot where but try searching something “owner” might find something.

That doesnt matter if your server is off; but log out is required lol

just tried that:

i changed the char file rights to 3
then the savedgame file rights to 3
re-ran the server
logged in no change
logged out
checked both files
they had both reset to 0 rights

lol true… but oh well i usually shut off my server bc i am always changing stuff while i do the rights.

yer i got it to work last time but then i messed up in the and had to reset it all this time it just wont work

hmm… well wat source is it.


… then open search “admin” and fill in ur name in it.

done that made no difference except gave the message

Oh dear u died

when i logged on