MoparScape 3.2 w/ Aryan

*java' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Press any key to continue . . .

Thats what i got. And yes, i have the latest version of java.

Mopar i love a un-gay way.

ok so ive got WinAce Archiver v2.61 and when I opened the downloaded file, I can't find where to open the client. Help please?

when i click run moparscape.bat it says exception in thread main java.lang.noclassdeffound error

how do i make my own server on this?

how u get it???????????????

  1. you dont have the java/bin folder in your path, you need to install java (which should fix it), otherwise you will have to add the java/bin folder to your path

  2. please dont post every 3 minutes, someone will help you when they see your post, we are not refreshing this thread every minute to see the latest replies, and right now Im getting off for a few hours, hopefully you can fix your problem :wink:[/quote]
    actually, he may have java already, i had that error and i just reinstalled java after uninstalling my 4 other rather well now

What are those symmetrical things I see on your pic? Are those cars? Pretty good spoof if they are :confused:

Nice work with the new client :slight_smile:

kool i will try it


Mopar... you still haven't fixed the / zeero thing!

pwnd told you last time to do it...and you didn't! :frowning: im sad now.
takes out jode
decompiles moparscape
mwuahha its time for matters to come into my own hands

otherwise i like it. beside that zero thing.

good luck it shits itself when you try to decompile it

can u run in hi detail if u can then plz tell me how and... wen i spawn monster it crashes wen i atk them? and how do i make my self admin n how do i get monsters on here and other things like other servers have

You can't enter a 1 char. message or it'll crash
Barely any aryan scripts load because it says something about trying to access class Player
It crashes because of T2's,alot...
Theres some feedback :). I like it,just needs some bugfixes.

Omg hot!

reinstall it

extract the whole archive into its own folder, then double click runmoparscape.bat

:rolleyes: it is a problem with the server, but Ill put a try catch around it anyway just to appease everyone :stuck_out_tongue:

edit the .bat file to change bewtween high and low detail, your already admin, you edit the source of they hybridscape server

help! it wont load
when i try to open the client thing it says
failed to load main-class manifest attribute from the file thing

wat do i do :confused:? i would be very thankful if u could hel me :slight_smile: :smiley:

double click runmoparscape.bat :wink:

:eek: Wow, Chic! Thanks Mopar!!

Edit:: It get's stuck when downloading the cache talks about some crazy connection error. Is there way i can manually download and put it somewere? Or if there's anything else i can do to fix it i would appreciate the help thanks :smiley:

help plz it still wont work