dandy do u have msn if u do add me im rhys20011@hotmail.co.uk
Pking server
bumb come join![br][size=1]Posted at: August 30, 2006, 01:35:39 PM[/size][hr]yy r u guys kicking me then ban me? [br][size=1]Posted at: August 30, 2006, 02:16:48 PM[/size][hr]nvm im not banned :)[br][size=1]Posted at: August 30, 2006, 02:34:36 PM[/size][hr]sver go down?
byubm sever up
[glow=red,2,300]why when i log in it says everyone is on world 8 lol???[/glow]
but coe play =D))[br][size=1]Posted at: August 31, 2006, 04:53:26 AM[/size][hr][glow=red,2,300]can u guys help me when i try log in it says loading please wait and stays then it wont go into the game =( help!![/glow]
the hamachi server are alwase full please make some more…
bump[br][size=1]Posted at: August 31, 2006, 10:03:21 AM[/size][hr]elementz the friends list is goofy, it’s either world 8 or world 1 with a few “-'s” inbetween but jus say hi to ppl and it will say on message bar if play is not available.
ehh down…
is it down?[br][size=1]Posted at: August 31, 2006, 05:34:11 PM[/size][hr]oo its restaring again
wtf is with the smoke ???
cmon guys this server owns please join… im only 1 on x.X
its not working :mad:
lol… did u join a hamachi network? it just went down a few seconds ago shes fixing bugs…
Sorry guys server will be down for a while
not as easy as i thoguth sorry
who ever posted on page 4 gets a rep from me you can do it back if you like
[quote=“gordygord, post:79, topic:11564”]who ever posted on page 4 gets a rep from me you can do it back if you like[/quote]wat? never mind