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Wrong. It's Hyperion (rs2 framework). We recently converted server bases.

Here is our order of how we switched bases:

  1. iClarity 1.05
  2. Shards
  3. Devolution 2.7
  4. Hyperion (Grahams rs2 framework)

Just letting you know for all the haters or flamers who say it’s shards.

It was from OSRemake

[quote=“jmood128, post:1, topic:231633”]Exception in thread “main” java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 17
at ItemHandler.loadItemList(
at ItemHandler.(
at server.main(

what do i do when i run my server it comes up with this =s can someone help me plz =D[/quote]

I didn’t even know what a runescape private server was really. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok. So I've finished making a custom and saved the correct files and stuff. But I'm just gonna be me and say this flat out...where do I type the "add model ####" code? I tried as a command (Bl00d-Blitz source) but no luck, and i don't exactly comprehend stuff easy, so could someone please tell me where/how to type in "add model ####"? Thanks

Oh yea, if this belongs in the Private Server Hacking forum, could a mod please move it? thanks


[quote=“glestrts, post:1, topic:298225”]Animation question

Alright here it is, I retextured an armor in metasequo.
Initially i converted from dat-> mqo, (with datmaker)

i edited colors in mqo

then back to dat with datmaker.

ingame the model shows up fine, but it completely unanimated.[/quote]
first post… it was in the help section, I am embarrassed.

Wow, 162 pages of posts, go figure.

Now i look at that, and realize, it was a problem with the player-updating. Mainly because i had fixed it back then.

297 pages o.O

and in the same thread:

[quote=“Davidi2, post:3, topic:242403”]Oh lol… i knew that… also, when ppl start, they are invisible? how do i fix? It also seems that people cant log in again after logging out. I create an account, log it out, try to log it back in, but it says error connecting to server… fix?[br][br][size=1]Posted on: November 09, 2008, 11:06:33 am[/size][hr]also, if i close my client(but keep the server running) open it back up, try to log in, it says that the account it already logged in?! :confused:

AM I like, followed by a ghost?? :|[/quote]

The original post was asking how to start a server but I edited the post 2 years ago because it was so embarrassing. But hey, at least it was in the right section.

Lol I was thanking SilentCJ for his modeling tut. :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“Mitko, post:1, topic:217825”]Why when i always try to add some new commands or change stuff it always shows me this? :

Please somebody help me.[/quote]

For some reason I am remembering a thread like this already existed… is it still here?

Lemme do a search…

Darnit! There is :expressionless:

Sorry didn’t know :confused:

[quote=“Muroth, post:11, topic:356684”]Lemme do a search…

Darnit! There is :expressionless:,412024.100.html[/quote]
Dammit. I guess someone should bump the older topic then. And by bump I don’t mean spam.