StabbingScape V4.1 [antinull+Syiblocker] make a v5? LOOK!

umm it keeps saying error connecting to server help me

[quote=“flamehair9, post:81, topic:294022”]umm it keeps saying error connecting to server help me[/quote]idk

lol thats why im using it :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice Minigame, but the customs just ruin it

every1 leeched this…

:mad: When i want to spawn an item, for example a Abyssal Whip(item id = 4151) i type:

:pickup 4151 1 ~ and i get a message saying ‘cmon type it again!’ this is how to spawn items isnt it? :confused:

[quote=“jaredh, post:86, topic:294022”]:mad: When i want to spawn an item, for example a Abyssal Whip(item id = 4151) i type:

:pickup 4151 1 ~ and i get a message saying ‘cmon type it again!’ this is how to spawn items isnt it? :confused:[/quote] try ::pickup 04151 1

Dealt thanks! it worked. i wish i knew how to change so i can use like. ::pickup 4151 1

[quote=“Dealt, post:85, topic:294022”]every1 leeched this…[/quote] yea well good for them

could’ve done better with customs for example, more upgraded dclaws/dplate,
on the otherhand, good job

[quote=“i weed i_, post:1, topic:294022”]

  Credits for source

2% to Scobydoo
28% to me for editing it :wink:
30% to tutorials of silabsoft
40% to Figment for base

Credits for client
20% to me for adding and editing
50% to blurrr for base
30% to bration for some but most of the models

Player commands

(((((::Jump)))) <----- Cool command lol
Many more just do ::commands
Mod commands

(((((::mute *user*)))) <----- forgot to add to ::commands -.-
(((((::unmute *user*))))
Admin commands

Owner commands

-------------------I Weed I's Custom Item Id List!--------------------
9117	Black Mask
9118	Yellow Mask
9106	Null
10103	red Whip
10106	Gold whip
10105	Barrows Whip
10100	Orange whip
10101	Purple whip
10102	Unknown color whip
9091	NUll
10110	Gold Phat
10111	Grey Phat
10109	Orange phat
10117	Dragon Phat
10118	barrows phat
10116	rune Phat
10115	Addy phat
10114	Mith Phat
10113	Steel phat
10112	iron phat
10091	Black Santa Hat
10090	Purple Santa hat
10096	Gold santa hat
10094	Dragon Santa hat
10098	Blue santa hat
10097	barrows santa hat
10093	rune santa hat
10095	addy santa hat
10092	mith santa
1283	DILDO
15150	Summoning Skillcape
16600	Dragon platebody
15114	Ivandis Chainmail
15112	Ivandis Platelegs
15116	Ivandis Sheild
15111	Ivandis helm
15115	Ivandis boots
15113	Ivandis gauntlets
15117	Ivandis blade
15338	lava Chainmail
15339	lava Platelegs
15340	lava sheild
15343	lava helm
15341	lava boots
15342	lava gauntlets
15337	lava blade
8002	Dragon Claws
15603	Beautiful cape
15602	dragon cape
13665	Tri god warspear
13943	energy blades
14396	dragon pickaxe
11115	hidan's scythe
10011	Dragon kite shield (wing shield)
9999	dragon kite shield
10007	Dragon platebody
13459	blue lightsaber
13643	Statius warhammer

What I have done in v4.1

*fixed bugs, that was my objective of making this source.
*Added ::jump ::jumpoff for players.
*Server does contain syiblocker and parts of antinull
*added new tele ::chill
*added new shops

If anything if someone nulls you, server should reject most of the nulls. It should take a long time for someone to crash you.

Here are some pictures
CLient!!! NOTE: NO New CLient for V4.1!

D Claws and d plate, dildo, other stuff on picture!

Virus Scan


Home created by I weed I

Train created by meh!

Moar shops! with models so DOWNLOAD CLIENT TO SEE THEM!

Skillcape Emote! (gfx’s by i weed i)

Same old Barrows!

miniquest! got from silabsoft tuts :wink:

New 1v1!

FUnPK! Made by me!

Bash minigame, only way to get rares


3rd age


New chill area


Mini Created by i weed i

Darkbow Minigame! Not created by me

Aggressive Godwars! Created by i weed i

This is mylast source FOR SURE!, have fun, and here are teh links, I called v4 my last source but then it was buggy as shit.

V4.1 download source link max combat= 126 -

V4.1 download source link max combat= 255 -

V4 Client DOwnload link -

---------If your going to leach please give meh credits ;), and REPLY on topic moar.-----
Thank you, I weed I.[/quote]
looks nice downloading now and ive seen a leech of this before im fairly sure it was called omgskillscape?

hey does anybody know how to make the server run off of ur no-ip? i cant find out how too :frowning:

I hate this source.

love this source. thanks weed i think overall this is the best source i have ever downloaded. i give you 100% credit. thanks.

lol used your source…spammed the hell out of other peoples server…went afk for bout 1 hour…when i came back, server had about 34 nulls…

This server is still horrible programmed so you will still end up with nulls, and major crashes.

bad source anyway, too much init, 317s need to die

awesome server i love customs!

Is that Allsstar-Scape source?? :confused:

[quote=“Neruzycra, post:99, topic:294022”]Is that Allsstar-Scape source?? :confused:[/quote] idk what base he used