
This guy clearly knows what he’s talking about. His knowledge in runescape programming may be limited I can’t read. so maybe a trophy is more appropriate?

Just thought he is worth a mention.

His knowledge in runescape programming may be limited
is this supposed to be ironic

nonetheless, yes

You do know that’s super_, right?

as I recall the consensus on the community contributor poll was that there was no telling when he was going to act like same old super_ again. However this was at least 1 year ago now and it seems when hes playing on his alter ego he can refrain from being a total dick. I’ll vote yes.

If I remember correctly it was a general consensus that nobody really cared if he had vet/cm back or not except for MITB, but the reason super_ was banned (or had all of his awards removed or something) had to do with the whole database leak situation. So I think this should be one of those ‘lets get MITBs thoughts’ threads and see if he is willing to forgive/forget what happened then. If he says yes, he should also get some if not all of his awards on this account.

I used to think he was an ego-driven elitist, as that’s how he acted back in the day, but recently on the IRC, he explained a lot of programming things to me and I learned a ton - and I didn’t ask either. He was patient and just seemed like a real cool guy, and had been giving me support and ideas on Rarity’s performance since it became decent. So yes.

I vote yes.

I’ve never had any problems with him, and it’s obvious that he knows what he’s doing. So yes.

Like David said, this isn’t up to the vets to decide or anyone else for that matter. Moparisthebest has his reasons for not allowing super to get back his ranks and cups. I’ll leave this open until he replies.

I vote yes, he’s a pretty cool dude and I talk to him often.
He has mellowed way out.

Of course it’s MITBs call though.

super_'s always been worthy of the rank. Regardless of what he did (I don’t actually know what he did, clearly it wasn’t regecks bad because he’s allowed back), and besides, how many of us have been banned and allowed back/given our awards back?