What's your first post?

This thread always pops up every few months :expressionless:

[quote=“drubrkletern, post:1, topic:347960”]hi i recently made my server ,and i need help! you cant trade! im not sure if its admin only who cant trade but i need to somehow make so they can, or if its not admins only cannot trade and its the whole trading system in that source, can someone tell me how to fix that problem?
my source is atomic scape 562
does anyone else have this problem?[/quote]

[quote=“jal knight, post:1, topic:338608”]every time i attack an npc it takes about 10 seconds to attack it and after the first time i hit it, it takes another 10 seconds to hit it again. The npc wont even attack me. I’m not good with java, in fact I’m still looking for someone to code for me.

anyways, can anyone help me please?

and if you are interested for coding for me ill be happy to give an admin spot.[/quote]

[quote=“me”]Well… On the Client I’m using there is a “Change Server” under where you enter your password
I removed the text, but if you press enter a few times you still can change it. I’ve tried a few things, but none of them seem to work.
What should I search for to remove it completely? (Sorry if it’s a “Spoonfeed” but it’s just a question for future reference, + I’m a newb to Clients…)[/quote]

[quote=“Lil_Smok3r, post:87, topic:274528”]No offence but this sucks! But for a first try, yeah its good. For your next try i think you should try to make summoning and better graphics like Corruption X… Well done though…

  • Lil_Smok3r[/quote]
    I feel so embarassed. I was like 10. And Look, I’m 1 year older, yet i’m still more annoying! Wow…

[quote=“ox random xi, post:22, topic:500097”][quote author=LilXCj link=topic=618324.msg4246421#msg4246421 date=1362113143]

I didn’t know about image sharing sites nor did I know about url referencing if I uploaded it to a social networking site if I just right-clicked -> view image or viewed the properties.

I’m not proud of posts after this one either. I was 12.
I think none of us are very “proud” of our first post, haha.[/quote]

i beg to differ

11 year old me.

This was during that bad earthquake

Where is the delete account button dear god?

My first one I edited a while back but right after that is me talking some shit to h1 skiller

the topic is closed anyway lucien is pretty rude

the topic is closed anyway lucien is pretty rude

Its freakishly scary to realize how long ago this post was… 7 years.

Herp derp.

[quote=“vortex, post:1, topic:331”]Not even sure if they work properly… :smiley:


import java.util.Hashtable;

public boolean gfx = true;
public boolean autologin = false;
public static client client1;
public boolean Running = false;
public static int world = 0;
public Script macro;
public static Hashtable macros = new Hashtable();

public int findItemInInv(String name) {
for (int i = 0; i<28; i++)
int id = inventory(i);
if (id != -1)
String thisName = itemName(id);
if(thisName != null && thisName.indexOf(name)>-1)
return i;
return -1;
public String itemName(int id) {
Class21 itemDesc = Class21.method319(id);
if (itemDesc.aString468 != null)
return itemDesc.aString468;
} else
return “”;
public int inventory(int slot) {
Class17 thingie = Class17.method280(anIntArray1087[3]);
int result = thingie.method280(thingie.anIntArray397[0]).anIntArray421[slot]-1;
if (!(thingie.method280(thingie.anIntArray397[0]).anIntArray421[slot] > 0)) result = -1;
return result;
public int currentInterface()
return anInt1303;
public boolean npcNear(String name)
for(int x=0; x < anInt1191; x++)
return true;
return false;
public void logout()
anInt1000 = 250;
super.anInt18 -= 500;
aClass43_Sub2_Sub3_897.method538(5, 24);
public int nearestObject(int i, int j)
return 0;
public int getStatExp(int stat)
return anIntArray1207[stat];
public int getMaxLevel(int stat)
return anIntArray1128[stat];
public int getCurLevel(int stat)
return anIntArray924[stat];
/public void Walk(int ^arrayX^, int ^arrayY^)
^walkClass^.^walkMethod^(^walkShit^, ((super.^mouseY^ - 4)+bigY()), ((super.^mouseX^ - 4)+bigX()));
^walkClass^.^walkMethod^(^walkShit^, ((^arrayY^ - 4)+bigY()), ((^arrayX^ - 4)+bigX()));
public void atObject5(int uid)
int id = uid;
int x = id & 0x7f;
int y = id >> 7 & 0x7f;
action(1002, id, x, y);
public void atObject4(int uid)
int id = uid;
int x = id & 0x7f;
int y = id >> 7 & 0x7f;
action(835, id, x, y);
public void atObject3(int uid)
int id = uid;
int x = id & 0x7f;
int y = id >> 7 & 0x7f;
action(978, id, x, y);
public void atObject2(int uid)
int id = uid;
int x = id & 0x7f;
int y = id >> 7 & 0x7f;
action(683, id, x, y);
public void atObject(int uid)
int id = uid;
int x = id & 0x7f;
int y = id >> 7 & 0x7f;
action(396, id, x, y);
public void atObject5(int x,int y)
int uid = 0;
action(1002, uid, x, y);
public void atObject4(int x,int y)
int uid = 0;
action(835, uid, x, y);
public void atObject3(int x,int y)
int uid = 0;
action(978, uid, x, y);
public void atObject2(int x,int y)
int uid = 0;
action(683, uid, x, y);
public void atObject(int x,int y)
x -= bigX();
y -= bigY();
int uid = nearestObject(x, y);
action(396, uid, x, y);
/public void setMode(int l)
anIntArray987[0] = l;
^menuChosen^(^menuOther^, anInt887 - 1);
private void setTray()
final SystemTray tray = SystemTray.getDefaultSystemTray();
ImageIcon i = new ImageIcon(System.getProperty(“user.dir”) + “/icon2.gif”);
final TrayIcon ti = new TrayIcon(i, “PoonAble - “+username());
ti.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
public final void keyPressed(KeyEvent keyevent)
int i = keyevent.getKeyCode();
if(i == 112)
if(i == 121)
System.out.println(“Minimized to system tray!”);
if(i == 122)
gfx = !gfx;
printrs("Graphics "+(gfx ? “en” : “dis”) + “abled”);
print("Graphics "+(gfx ? “en” : “dis”) + “abled”);
if(i == 123)
autologin = !autologin;
printrs("Autologin "+(autologin ? “en” : “dis”) + “abled”);
print("Autologin "+(autologin ? “en” : “dis”) + “abled”);
public boolean isFlag()
if(anInt899 != 0)
return true;
return false;
private void logIn()
method19(aString980, aString981, false);
/public void printrs(String s1)
public void say(String s)

    aString1117 = s;
    Class43_Sub2_Sub2.method480(0, 479, 0, 77, (byte)-128);
    aString1117 = "";
public int rand(int i, int i1)
    return (int)(Math.random() * (double)(i1 - i)) + i;
public void withdrawAll(int id)
    for(int slot = 0; slot < 28; slot++)
public void storeAll(int id)
    for(int slot = 0; slot < 28; slot++)
public void withdrawAll()
    while(invCount() > 1)
        for(int x = 0; x < 28; x++)
            if(getInv(x) != -1 && getInv(x) != 1275)
                wait(rand(1000, 2000));
public void storeAll()
    while(invCount() > 1)
        for(int x = 0; x < 28; x++)
            if(getInv(x) != -1 && getInv(x) != 1275)
                wait(rand(1000, 2000));
public int getInv(int i)
    Class17 class17 = Class17.method280(3214);
    return class17.anIntArray421[i] - 1;
public int invCount()
    int count = 0;
    Class17 class17 = Class17.method280(anIntArray1087[3]);
    for (int i = 0; i < 28; i++)
        if (Class17.method280(class17.anIntArray397[0]).anIntArray421[i] != 0)
    return count;
public void withdraw1(int id,int slot)
public void withdraw5(int id,int slot)
public void withdraw10(int id,int slot)
public void withdrawAll(int id,int slot)
public void store1(int id,int slot)
public void store5(int id,int slot)
public void store10(int id,int slot)
public void storeAll(int id,int slot)
public void attackNpc(String name)
    for(int x=0; x < anInt1191; x++) 
public void attackNpc(int index)
public void talkToNpc(String name)
    for(int x=0; x < anInt1191; x++) 
public void talkToNpc(int index)
public boolean loggedIn()
	return aBoolean1166;
public int playerCount()
    return anInt1275;
public int npcCount()
    return anInt1239;
public String username()
    return aString980;
public int getX()
    return (anInt1267 + ((Class43_Sub2_Sub1_Sub6) (aClass43_Sub2_Sub1_Sub6_Sub1_1244)).anIntArray1628[0]);
public int getY()
    return (anInt1268 + ((Class43_Sub2_Sub1_Sub6) (aClass43_Sub2_Sub1_Sub6_Sub1_1244)).anIntArray1629[0]);
public int bigX()
    return anInt1267;
public int bigY()
    return anInt1268;
public int smallX()
    return ((Class43_Sub2_Sub1_Sub6) (aClass43_Sub2_Sub1_Sub6_Sub1_1244)).anIntArray1628[0];
public int smallY()
    return ((Class43_Sub2_Sub1_Sub6) (aClass43_Sub2_Sub1_Sub6_Sub1_1244)).anIntArray1629[0];
public void print(int i)
public void print(boolean b)
public void print(String s)
public void wait(int i)
    catch(Exception e){System.out.println("Wait() exception: "+e);}
public void waitForLoad()
    catch(Exception e){System.out.println("WaitForLoad() exception: "+e);}
public boolean isLoading()
    return aBoolean1178 && anInt1162 == 2 && Class37.anInt669 != anInt1280;
public void runScript(final String name)
System.out.println("Started script!");
    macro = (Script)macros.get(name);
    Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable()
        public void run()
    Running = true;
public static void loadScripts(client client1)
	macros = new Hashtable();
	System.out.println("Loading Scripts...");
	File f = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/scripts");
	String[] files = f.list();
	for(int i = 0; i < files.length;i++)
			if(files[i].endsWith(".class") && files[i].indexOf('$') == -1)
				Class clazz = Class.forName(files[i].substring(0,files[i].length()-".class".length()));
				Script macro = (Script)clazz.getConstructor(new Class[]{client.class}).newInstance(new Object[]{client1});
				String[] commands = macro.getCommands();
				System.out.print(" - ");
				for(int j = 0; j < commands.length;j++)
					System.out.println("/run "+commands[j]);
					macros.put(commands[j], macro);
		catch(Exception e)
public void action(int command, int i1, int i2, int i3)
    anIntArray988[0] = command;
    anIntArray989[0] = i1;
    anIntArray986[0] = i2;
    anIntArray987[0] = i3;
    //^menuChosen^(^menuOther^, anInt887 - 1);
public void commands(String command)
                    String s = command.trim().toLowerCase().substring(2);
                    if(s.startsWith("run "))
		    if (Running == false)
		        command = command.substring(6);
		        int paramIndex = command.indexOf(" ");
		        if(paramIndex == -1)
		            macro = (Script)macros.get(command);
		            macro = (Script)macros.get(command.substring(0,paramIndex));
		        String param = null;
		        String tcmd = null;
		        if (paramIndex != -1)
		            param = command.substring(paramIndex + 1);
		            tcmd = command.substring(0,paramIndex);
		            param = null;
		            tcmd = command;
		        String [] param1  = null;
		        if (param != null)
		            param1 = param.split(".");
		            for (int a = 0; a < param1.length; a++)
		                param1[a] = param1[a].trim();
		        final String [] params = param1;
		        final String cmd = tcmd;
		        if (macro == null)
		            System.out.println("Script "+command+" not found!");
		            command = "";
		        System.out.println("You are already running script!");
                	    command = "";
                        if(Running == false)
                            System.out.println("No script running!");
                            Running = false;
                	    command = "";
                	    command = "";

public String getServerPrefix(int server)
switch(server) {
case 1:
return “ul2”;
case 10:
return “jolt7”;
case 11:
return “jolt8”;
case 12:
return “jolt9”;
case 13:
return “nl3”;
case 14:
return “nl4”;
case 15:
return “uk2”;
case 16:
return “uk3”;
case 17:
return “tor1”;
case 18:
return “tor2”;
case 19:
return “nl7”;
case 2:
return “ul4”;
case 20:
return “nl8”;
case 21:
return “nl11”;
case 22:
return “nl1”;
case 23:
return “uk4”;
case 24:
return “uk5”;
case 25:
return “nl12”;
case 26:
return “ul5”;
case 27:
return “nl5”;
case 28:
return “nl6”;
case 29:
return “ul6”;
case 3:
return “po3”;
case 30:
return “po7”;
case 31:
return “po8”;
case 32:
return “ul1”;
case 33:
return “at1”;
case 34:
return “at2”;
case 35:
return “at3”;
case 36:
return “at4”;
case 37:
return “tor3”;
case 38:
return “planet1”;
case 39:
return “planet2”;
case 4:
return “po4”;
case 40:
return “planet3”;
case 41:
return “planet4”;
case 42:
return “po2”;
case 43:
return “sl11”;
case 44:
return “at6”;
case 45:
return “planet5”;
case 46:
return “planet6”;
case 47:
return “above5”;
case 48:
return “above6”;
case 49:
return “ams1”;
case 5:
return “po5”;
case 50:
return “ams2”;
case 51:
return “ams3”;
case 52:
return “ams4”;
case 53:
return “ams5”;
case 54:
return “ams6”;
case 55:
return “ch1”;
case 56:
return “nl10”;
case 57:
return “ch3”;
case 58:
return “ch4”;
case 59:
return “ch5”;
case 6:
return “po6”;
case 60:
return “ch6”;
case 61:
return “se1”;
case 62:
return “se2”;
case 63:
return “se3”;
case 64:
return “se4”;
case 65:
return “se5”;
case 66:
return “se6”;
case 67:
return “jolt10”;
case 68:
return “jolt11”;
case 69:
return “jolt12”;
case 7:
return “above2”;
case 70:
return “sl10”;
case 71:
return “uk7”;
case 72:
return “sl1”;
case 73:
return “sl2”;
case 74:
return “sl3”;
case 75:
return “sl4”;
case 76:
return “sl5”;
case 77:
return “sl6”;
case 78:
return “sl7”;
case 79:
return “sl8”;
case 8:
return “above3”;
case 80:
return “jolt1”;
case 81:
return “jolt2”;
case 82:
return “jolt3”;
case 83:
return “jolt4”;
case 84:
return “jolt5”;
case 85:
return “ny1”;
case 86:
return “ny2”;
case 87:
return “ny4”;
case 88:
return “ny5”;
case 9:
return “above4”;
return null;



not my first but p funny

[quote=“drubrkletern, post:40, topic:500097”]http://www.moparisthebest.com/smf/index.php/topic,451007.msg3305966.html#msg3305966
not my first but p funny[/quote]
Props to you for giving me something to smile at.

I had the same problem too. Thanks tinyscape.
Was in October 07, 2011. Damn

[quote=“Flame_, post:41, topic:500097”][quote author=drubrkletern link=topic=618324.msg4268971#msg4268971 date=1364362193]
not my first but p funny
Props to you for giving me something to smile at.[/quote]

this all i get when i run server DeltaScape Server. null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null