~ZooScape 508~[ESPEON] [IPBAN][IP-MUTE][D-Claws][D-Pl8]

Are you guys dumb? I mean seriously

C:\Documents and Settings\Desktop\zooscape\build\data\characters\mainsave

Find your character and then Open it find rights change the 0 to 2 then close save it Compile and Run then you Admin/Owner…

[quote=“Zeroh, post:61, topic:274915”]Are you guys dumb? I mean seriously

C:\Documents and Settings\Desktop\zooscape\build\data\characters\mainsave

Find your character and then Open it find rights change the 0 to 2 then close save it Compile and Run then you Admin/Owner…[/quote]

Wow are you stupid? this is a 508, not a 317. Please get smarter before posting a dumb post like this again plz

-Sexy Slay

[quote=“Zeroh, post:61, topic:274915”]Are you guys dumb? I mean seriously

C:\Documents and Settings\Desktop\zooscape\build\data\characters\mainsave

Find your character and then Open it find rights change the 0 to 2 then close save it Compile and Run then you Admin/Owner…[/quote]

獵牥慮敭氺来湥穤瀀獡睳牯㩤㔹㌲㔱㜸1敧獴慴瑲摥〺爀杩瑨㩳0扡硳㈺㌷4扡祳㌺㜳2敨杩瑨〺䴀浥敢獲〺爀湵湥牥祧ㄺ〰最湥敤㩲0畭整㩤0畭整楔敭㩲0楴慴䵮湩㩩0潦湵䱤癡㩡0潦湵䝤祥敳㩲0潦湵卤慷灭〺最癩湥敒㩰0汰祡牥敒㩰0敲呰浩牥〺挀慬㩮0慣湮瑯瑁慴正〺昀敬呥浩牥〺猀数䅣潭湵㩴0潬歯㨰0潬歯㨱〱氀潯㉫ㄺ8潬歯㨳㘲氀潯㑫㌺3潬歯㨵㘳氀潯㙫㐺2歳汩ぬㄺ〬猀楫汬㨱ⰱ0歳汩㉬ㄺ〬猀楫汬㨳〱ㄬ㔱5歳汩㑬ㄺ〬猀楫汬㨵ⰱ0歳汩㙬ㄺ〬猀楫汬㨷ⰱ0歳汩㡬ㄺ〬猀楫汬㨹ⰱ0歳汩ㅬ㨰ⰱ0歳汩ㅬ㨱ⰱ0歳汩ㅬ㨲ⰱ0歳汩ㅬ㨳ⰱ0歳汩ㅬ㨴ⰱ0歳汩ㅬ㨵ⰱ0歳汩ㅬ㨶ⰱ0歳汩ㅬ㨷ⰱ0歳汩ㅬ㨸ⰱ0歳汩ㅬ㨹ⰱ0歳汩㉬㨰ⰱ0歳汩㉬㨱ⰱ0歳汩㉬㨲ⰱ0歳汩㉬㨳ⰱ0歳汩㉬㨴ⰱ0畭整›0汘杯〺焀敵瑳㩳0潧坤牡び〺最摯慗獲㨱0潧坤牡㉳〺最摯慗獲㨳0潧坤牡㑳〺渀汵l where is the rights?

[code]獵牥慮敭氺来湥穤瀀獡睳牯㩤㔹㌲㔱㜸1敧獴慴瑲摥〺爀杩瑨㩳0扡硳㈺㌷4扡祳㌺㜳2敨杩瑨〺䴀浥敢獲〺爀湵湥牥祧ㄺ〰最湥敤㩲0畭整㩤0畭整楔敭㩲0楴慴䵮湩㩩0潦湵䱤癡㩡0潦湵䝤祥敳㩲0潦湵卤慷灭〺最癩湥敒㩰0汰祡牥敒㩰0敲呰浩牥〺挀慬㩮0慣湮瑯瑁慴正〺昀敬呥浩牥〺猀数䅣潭湵㩴0潬歯㨰0潬歯㨱〱氀潯㉫ㄺ8潬歯㨳㘲氀潯㑫㌺3潬歯㨵㘳氀潯㙫㐺2歳汩ぬㄺ〬猀楫汬㨱ⰱ0歳汩㉬ㄺ〬猀楫汬㨳〱ㄬ㔱5歳汩㑬ㄺ〬猀楫汬㨵ⰱ0歳汩㙬ㄺ〬猀楫汬㨷ⰱ0歳汩㡬ㄺ〬猀楫汬㨹ⰱ0歳汩ㅬ㨰ⰱ0歳汩ㅬ㨱ⰱ0歳汩ㅬ㨲ⰱ0歳汩ㅬ㨳ⰱ0歳汩ㅬ㨴ⰱ0歳汩ㅬ㨵ⰱ0歳汩ㅬ㨶ⰱ0歳汩ㅬ㨷ⰱ0歳汩ㅬ㨸ⰱ0歳汩ㅬ㨹ⰱ0歳汩㉬㨰ⰱ0歳汩㉬㨱ⰱ0歳汩㉬㨲ⰱ0歳汩㉬㨳ⰱ0歳汩㉬㨴ⰱ0畭整›0汘杯〺焀敵瑳㩳0潧坤牡び〺最摯慗獲㨱0潧坤牡㉳〺最摯慗獲㨳0潧坤牡㑳〺渀汵l[/code] where is the rights?
dont open the .class ones open the .java ones!

ok for this source go to

In there search for rights, and replace your name with one of the names in there.

sound like alot of u guys dk how to work on this source so here if u need help adding stuff or have question pm me and since i had realesed source before i updated it added pm and summoning ill post zooscape-re soon for ya enjoy my msn is mr.xexy@live.com feel free to pm me :stuck_out_tongue:

I get credits to for gwd and some other things.

… gwd came with pur3z dude how do u get the credits for it?

really look at the orginal release of it was enpty not to mention the small changes i did.

i dint use urs so… :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile:

Umm the only thing I added was perm ban. ipmuet. ipban…

No other espeon has… so thats why I released :S

when i load client its stuck in 3rd librays pleas help

wow!!! this is a very!!! nice post seeing your others u have really! made an improvment very nice job. :wink:

plzz the compiler dosent work can u plzz tell me the code for compiling i have JDK 12 BTW plzz on the other hand its the best server source EVER ive been lookin for a d pl8ted and d clawd server XD ur truly the best!!!

The ::Master command doesnt work

you typ while attacking the kbd with a 2handed gs. Fully kbd! If you attack with a gs which is 2handed, means the kbd doesn’t attack with firebreath, does he?
Which means it is not fully.

And Wtf? the shops dont work :S

It is an great server, but while looking through it you seem to have deleted or moved alot of files there fore no one can edit most of it.

Anyways great job :slight_smile:

the client dont work its stuck at saying cunnecting to update server help me :frowning: ive never ised a 508 so help meeeeeeeeeeeeee

Meh nice work