718 Client Connection Issue

Hey, so I was converting my 718 client to be compatible with my other source.
I changed all the ips, ports, etc. I keep getting the js5 error. It seems like it is loading my old cache but I’m not sure. Would appreciate it if anyone can help me fix this problem. Comment or PM below. I’d prefer you to TeamView me.


i am having the same issue did you slove the prolem?

If you think it loads your other cache, make it not load that one. You probably forgot to change the cache direction in signlink.java

Open up signlink and look for cachdir. Try changing that path.

[quote=“Soulxs, post:3, topic:554469”]If you think it loads your other cache, make it not load that one. You probably forgot to change the cache direction in signlink.java

Open up signlink and look for cachdir. Try changing that path.[/quote]

I do not have a signlink.java
A friend of mine told me to check the same file though…
I’ve tried I cannot find the location where it is reading the cache. If you would please hmu on skype, I pm’ed you my skype.

I will when i get home.