861 cache revisions

i am having issues getting the Rune-Love3 source to allow the newest cache revision of 861, the error i get with the rune-love3 source is this([Virtue Logger]: Loading cache.
[Virtue Logger]: Decoding cache index 0
[Virtue Logger]: An exception has been caught on engine cycle # 2. Terminating process.
[Virtue Logger]: Total runtime: 1 seconds, 0 minutes, 0 hours, 0 days.
at org.virtue.cache.ReferenceTable.decode(ReferenceTable.java:255)
at org.virtue.cache.Cache.createChecksumTable(Cache.java:121)
at org.virtue.Launcher.loadCache(Launcher.java:117)
at org.virtue.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:82)

the lines in question say this (ReferenceTable.java:255 this is more than just the 255 line)-public static ReferenceTable decode(ByteBuffer buffer) {
/* create a new table */
ReferenceTable table = new ReferenceTable();

	/* read header */
	table.format = buffer.get() & 0xFF;
	if (table.format < 5 || table.format > 7)
		throw new RuntimeException();
	if (table.format >= 6) {
		table.version = buffer.getInt();
	table.flags = buffer.get() & 0xFF;

	/* read the ids */
	int[] ids = new int[table.format >= 7 ? ByteBufferUtils.getSmartInt(buffer) : buffer.getShort() & 0xFFFF];
	int accumulator = 0, size = -1;
	for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
		int delta = table.format >= 7 ? ByteBufferUtils.getSmartInt(buffer)
				: buffer.getShort() & 0xFFFF;
		ids[i] = accumulator += delta;
		if (ids[i] > size) {
			size = ids[i];
	//table.indices = ids;

	/* and allocate specific entries within that array */
	for (int id : ids) {			
		table.entries.put(id, new Entry());

	/* read the identifiers if present */
	if ((table.flags & FLAG_IDENTIFIERS) != 0) {
		for (int id : ids) {
			table.entries.get(id).identifier = buffer.getInt();

	/* read the CRC32 checksums */
	for (int id : ids) {
		table.entries.get(id).crc = buffer.getInt();

	/* read the whirlpool digests if present */
	if ((table.flags & FLAG_WHIRLPOOL) != 0) {
		for (int id : ids) {

	/* read the version numbers */
	for (int id : ids) {
		table.entries.get(id).version = buffer.getInt();

	/* read the child sizes */
	int[][] members = new int[size][];
	for (int id : ids) {
		members[id] = new int[table.format >= 7 ? ByteBufferUtils.getSmartInt(buffer) : buffer.getShort() & 0xFFFF];

	/* read the child ids */
	for (int id : ids) {
		/* reset the accumulator and size */
		accumulator = 0;
		size = -1;

		/* loop through the array of ids */
		for (int i = 0; i < members[id].length; i++) {
			int delta = table.format >= 7 ? ByteBufferUtils.getSmartInt(buffer) : buffer.getShort() & 0xFFFF;
			members[id][i] = accumulator += delta;
			if (members[id][i] > size) {
				size = members[id][i];

		/* and allocate specific entries within the array */
		for (int child : members[id]) {
			table.entries.get(id).entries.put(child, new ChildEntry());

	/* read the child identifiers if present */
	if ((table.flags & FLAG_IDENTIFIERS) != 0) {
		for (int id : ids) {
			for (int child : members[id]) {
				table.entries.get(id).entries.get(child).identifier = buffer.getInt();

	/* return the table we constructed */
	return table;

cache.java:121-public ChecksumTable createChecksumTable() throws IOException {
/* create the checksum table */
int size = store.getTypeCount();
ChecksumTable table = new ChecksumTable(size);

	/* loop through all the reference tables and get their CRC and versions */
	for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
		ByteBuffer buf = store.read(40, i);
		 * try (FileChannel out = new
		 * FileOutputStream("data/test_broken_1.bin").getChannel()) {
		 * out.write(buf); } buf.flip();

		int crc = 0;
		int version = 0;
		int files = 0;
		int archiveSize = 0;
		byte[] whirlpool = new byte[64];

		 * if there is actually a reference table, calculate the CRC,
		 * version and whirlpool hash
		if (buf != null && buf.limit() > 0) { // some indices are not used,
												// is this appropriate?
			System.out.println("Decoding cache index " + i);
			ReferenceTable ref = ReferenceTable.decode(Container
			crc = ByteBufferUtils.getCrcChecksum(buf);// Crc
			version = ref.getVersion();// Version
			files = ref.capacity();
			archiveSize = 0;
			whirlpool = ByteBufferUtils.getWhirlpoolDigest(buf);

		table.setEntry(i, new ChecksumTable.Entry(crc, version, files,
				archiveSize, whirlpool));

	/* return the table */
	return table;

launcher.java:82 and 117- public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
System.setOut(new ConsoleLogger(System.out));
System.setErr(new ConsoleLogger(System.err));
long currentTime = TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Welcome to " + Constants.NAME + “.”);
if (Constants.LOGIN_SERVER) {
CLANS = new ClanSettingsManager();
System.out.println(“CloneScape 861 " + (TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis() - currentTime) + " milli seconds to launch.”);
} catch (Exception e) {

i included the whole section of the error in case i messed something up somewhere.

my system is win10, jre7, jre1.8.0_60, jdk1.7.0_79

i have even added these numbers (2669, 69795, 41651, 35866,
358716, 44375, 18239, 20584, 169706, 1095964, 424404, 554703, 809735, 1147967,
34707, 818260, 20882, 1244, 65037, 2096, 119, 1349233, 4156676, 8991, 23087) to the cache.java file and changed the revision to match the cache file of 861 and left the sub-build at 1. the only thing i can think of that may be the reason is that inside the cache file there is a new file (main_file_cache.dat2m) have i forgot something somewhere that would be causing this issue? fyi it is the server that wont run.

the exact lines that are involved = ReferenceTable.java:255 throw new RuntimeException();
cache.java:121 ReferenceTable ref = ReferenceTable.decode(Container
launcher.java:117 Container container = new Container(Container.COMPRESSION_NONE, CACHE.createChecksumTable().encode(true, ChecksumTable.ON_DEMAND_MODULUS, ChecksumTable.ON_DEMAND_EXPONENT));
launcher.java:82 loadCache();
(edit to add exact lines not just the whole section)