Tell me what you think, it took me a long time and I used 75 layers. Rate 1-10 please
A banner I made for somebody :P
Yuk that’s disgusting. Its so blurry 1/10
I meant to blur the background o.O? And don’t just look at that.
Make one for me and I’ll call you big daddy :3
Pm me the stuff you want for it
A comment I made for somebody : P. I used 1 line and 1 sentence. Please rate 1-10.
I’m confused, do you like it or no lol?
No he said it was horrible :s
I think it looks great, if you say it’s bad tell me why…
It’s not appealing to the eyes, it wouldn’t catch my attention.
It’s not eye candy. The text looks flat, it has no backdrop to it, no emphasis, and the background feels pointless because it shows nothing except a blur of some RS features you cannot see.
There isn’t enough contrast. Make the background a bit darker (and sharper. keep it blurred, but not nearly as much. just a tiiiny bit of Gaussian is good enough) and make the text brighter with a different font. The current font is nice, but quite frankly, a solid, outlined or shadowed font would look much more appealing.
Alright thanks guys but could you please tell me if you like the animation? I made it in gimp so it was hard and i focused on that more than anything.
Yes it’s ok, but the solid cyan block that transitions it, is a bit basic.