Can you please make the censor replace “m.wikipedia” with “wikipedia”?
A good use for the censor
Also can we please say fuck and nigger?
I believe that censoring n1gger to “African” is probably more racist than just letting the word be used… not all black people are African…
I rather enjoyed “generic expletive” as a global censor word as well.
Also, I don’t think Wikipedia is even mentioned often on the forums, but I don’t see why not.
The censor was put in place after google threatened to revoke adsense participation for the site. Adsense contributes to the hosting bill, so they got their way.
I don’t really think it matters; everyone knows what the filtered words come out as, so the message being conveyed is the same.
you mean expletive and expletive
[quote=“vortex, post:6, topic:540353”]you mean expletive and expletive[/quote]inb4 we block all permutations of bb-code interspersed within expletive and expletive
I don’t think it should be an issue if we enable SMF to allow censor disabling in a profile setting? I’m not sure whether that counts as circumventing their god like authority but it’s really easy to do. I suppose the only issue is it’ll uncensor all the virus URLs and other stuff we have censored.
Uh, okay. Done.
[quote=“Tom, post:8, topic:540353”]I don’t think it should be an issue if we enable SMF to allow censor disabling in a profile setting? I’m not sure whether that counts as circumventing their god like authority but it’s really easy to do. I suppose the only issue is it’ll uncensor all the virus URLs and other stuff we have censored.
Uh, okay. Done.[/quote]
What do you mean by the first part? Thanks for censoring that, when you load the desktop site from a mobile it turns to the mobile site anyway.