A little project

I thought I’d start a side project in single player creative. I see way to many medieval, rustic style builds so I’m trying to do something different. Please ignore the shitty render distance :frowning: Here is what I’ve got so far:



I’ve started the beach front area, which will hopefully add a smooth transition into the main area house style. I plan on filling the whole beach area with houses, after that I’ll build back into the forest area. I also need to build some smaller buildings around the path from the peninsula to the beach front.


I prefer this to the wool, opinions?

You should make it on FTB when it get back up.

I’ll have to finish my base first, or at least get AE set up to store items.

That looks nice.


Nice, I like the color combo. Ceilings are too bland. You could add stone brick half slabs and accent them somewhere with stone brick blocks near the bottom of the house(s). Also don’t use the same design for each house, spice it up a bit

Plan it out in creative single player using the Ultimate pack. It’ll give you a rough estimate of what items you’ll need in Moparcraft, and give you access to all sorts of new blocks. If you get creative with microblocks you’ll be able to do so much more in a smaller space

I think he may be more inclined to build this on vanilla rather than ftb


What do you mean by accent them?

Image below inspired by Jamie’s op:

Like accenting the wood with stone brick so its looks different and makes the building stand out more. And also don’t just limit yourself with two types of blocks unless you alternate them in such a way that they complement whatever design feature your trying to emphasize.

Look at the bottom trim with birch and stone, if I just did birch wood by itself you really even couldn’t tell that the trimmings were there at all, same with the roof

[quote=“xxx123xxx, post:10, topic:521170”]Image below inspired by Jamie’s op:

Like accenting the wood with stone brick so its looks different and makes the building stand out more. And also don’t just limit yourself with two types of blocks unless you alternate them in such a way that they complement whatever design feature your trying to emphasize.

Look at the bottom trim with birch and stone, if I just did birch wood by itself you really even couldn’t tell that the trimmings were there at all, same with the roof[/quote]
Can’t say I’m a fan of putting different colour trims on roofs, I tried it on a few buildings but tore them down because it was ugly.

Update 11/06/13

I might remove the top part of the building, I don’t know yet. Or at least make it 2 high instead of 3.

Decided to try something like this too since the server has been down for so long.

What do you guys think? Suggestions? :slight_smile:

@Jamie, Trap doors instead of signs would look better? I think?

Also, just keep at it, you’ll find a design your happy with eventually :stuck_out_tongue:

@ placebos, you could place a iron/obby panel strip next to the furnaces. So while you shove both of your heads into the slots of the furnace, you can perform a colonoscopy on yourself.

[quote=“Placebos, post:12, topic:521170”]Decided to try something like this too since the server has been down for so long.

What do you guys think? Suggestions? :)[/quote]
Very nice house

You can do all kinds of things with multiblocks


multibocks are usually referred to when talking about machine blocks that have greater then 1x1 dimension. eg. blast furnace, coak oven, xycraft tanks, gregtech high end machines, etc. etc.

Yea that was a derp on my part

Any updates Jamiers? :stuck_out_tongue: