I’ve added a different prayer tab and now all prayers are glowing:
When I click a prayer, nothing changes, but it starts draining, so I think it’s only client sided.
I have this in loginhandler in the server:
for (int p = 0; p < Player.PRAYER.length; p++) { // reset prayer glows
c.prayerActive[p] = false;
c.getPA().sendFrame36(Player.PRAYER_GLOW[p], 0);
for (int p = 0; p < Player.CURSE.length; p++) { // reset prayer glows
c.curseActive[p] = false;
c.getPA().sendFrame36(Player.CURSE_GLOW[p], 0);
I have maiestas client and insanityX server and I took all things, that had to do with the prayertab I ripped from the original client, from the client and put it in the maiestas client.