An incredible amount of nostalgia

Hey Moparscape, I just found the login to my first account ever on here, registered in 2010. It only has two posts and was made for my first attempt at developing a rsps.

I remember connecting to my first rsps with the Moparscape client, learning Java because I wanted my own, laughing with and learning from and being trolled by and called an idiot by all of the various members of this community, meeting some of the coolest people I’ve ever met, and having some of the best times all because of this.


Good times I found, looking through the toplist. Real-Scape, Traxxas-Scape, AnarchyScape… I would kill to be back in 2009/2010 playing them again.

Just heavy nostalgia/feels thread. Thanks, Moparscape.

all this forum consists of these days is nostalgia threads

Well I mean, the rsps scene is pretty old now. I miss all the times that used to be and I got older too. Is it wrong for me to feel nostalgia about some old school poorly written rsps shenanigans at 2:35 AM?

I think not! XD

I remember hearing the damn music and thinking what the actual fuck am I listening to?

You mean…

Yes… lmao, the damn thing scared me when I first opened it up when I was like 10 or whatever. I had thought my computer has hacked or had gotten a virus xD.

Lol I can see how. it’s actually a song from Doom surprisingly.

gotta love the '70 superbird background

hold onto your butts!

that music tho

::pickup 0995 10000000000

Fuck, feelsing even harder now that I read the 10 year post.

Dammit, never fails to be after 2:30 AM when I decide to have nostalgia feels for RSPS

You mean GodzHell

Considering most people start out naming a few known server from these days. I really liked CheatSkape those mouse whips and black and white armour. Its the first server i ever played. then a few others was drugscape, godzhell Sliab based Tobias scape and a few other servers then all the spins of delta that where on the list. I think if we focused on only a few servers we would miss the good and bad times most of us remember or still have. I still have an ungodly amount bookmarks that are inactive…

Lol it is nice to see the old loading screen and hearing the music these days. Like previously stated the whole board is nostalgia posts anymore though :stuck_out_tongue: