
I believe the time has come for a child board under the reviews and multimedia board for anime discussions, reviews, and thought provoking debates on anime and manga.

[19:04:27] you could get the signature of every person to ever use this forum
[19:04:31] and i would still not add that board

Help fight against this tyrant, he brings shame to this forum with his unneeded attitude to the great art and culture we call anime and manga. Please help fight back! Send this man your emails and phone calls to sway his heart!

Send Tom your feedback!

[19:18:13] everyone who pms me because of that is a marked man

As you can see this man is not who you think he is, his true colors are now showing. Tom is nothing more than an abusive, hate filled, egotistical, elitist, Uchiha. Please help me bring this tyrant to a stop, in doing so we will be granted well in boons.

Quick note for all future posters, if you want to be around for long then disagree with this motion.

everyone who pms me because of that is a marked man

This is such a good idea I’m going to lock this and create a topic in the staff section right away!!!

[spoiler]not really[/spoiler]



lets add a MLP section while we’re at it