Aries RSPS, The next-gen RSPS!

Hello everyone, today I will be discussing some amazing things about my new server called AriesRSPS. We are a brand new server, with a decent player base that is owner by me and my brother Zack. We have dreamed about owning a server for many years now, and it has finally came true, but we need your help to get our server up to #1! The server is a vencillio base that has almost double in content, and reduced the amount of bugs by a lot. I have just added in Abyssal Sire, and Cerberus, however there still are some new RS items that don’t work such as Abyssal Bludgeon, and Dragon Warhammer, however I am coding at least 3 hours a day to make the server bigger and better. This server DOES have Iron Man and Ultimate Iron Man. All skills are working except for hunter which will be added in soon.

We have a lot of amazing things on Aries, like a full screen and resizable client, achievements, most working pets including Tzrek-jad. Prestiging, Zulrah, Venenatis, Corporal Beast, etc.

We have a staff member that created a video about our server, and if you would like to see some in-game content then you can check it out here. : [youtube][/youtube]

Otherwise, if you would like to just jump straight into the game you can do so by going to our forums, and clicking the “Download Client” button at the top.

I really hope to see you all in-game.

