ASPROJECT || Unique Content


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-Major updates frequently
-Ironman mode
-Deadman mode
-Great membership benefits
-Completionist (with colour changing) and max cape
-Tutorial island (Can be skipped)
-Duel arena
-Nightmare Zone
-Level points
-Amazing pking
-Buy 100, sell 100
-All skills are trainable even with a new custom dungeon skill
-Pk points and pk point store.
-Proper item effects such as Spirit Shields, including all special attacks!
-Gold scrolls
-Craftable high-tier armor/weapons
-Single players dungeons / 20+ man raids
-Money vault
-Achievements with even an achievement cape!
-Bosses with unique attacks and special features
-Boss slayer tasks and more!
-Daily quests to complete


[center]20+ player raids[/center]

[center]Single player dungeons[/center]

[center]Raid bosses - was still finishing when recorded[/center]

[center]World events - spawn a random time while server is on, restarting server will get rid of it[/center]

[center]Completionist cape with fully working custom colours[/center]


[center]Full working quests - MORE TO COME[/center]


[center]Middle mouse button camera movement, click compass to face north, zoom in/out[/center]

[center]Tab to reply[/center]

[center]Choose your game mode![/center]

[center]Ironman get there very own weapons which then can be upgraded![/center]

[center]Deadman mode allows you to PK anyone, anywhere, at anytime![/center]

[center]Choose your faction to help you along the way! (Cannot change once chose)[/center]

[center]Tutorial island - Can be skipped[/center]

[center]Completionist/max cape rack[/center]

[center]In game high-scores![/center]


[center]Membership information/benefits[/center]

[center]View your time played and other information[/center]

[center]Money vault[/center]

[center]Simple quest tab[/center]

[center]Pking store[/center]

[center]If you need that glory or fury, get that crafting and magic up, fully working enchanting and crafting[/center]

[center]Fishing - Including rocktails[/center]

[center]Woodcutting 100%[/center]


[center]Storm of armadyl even with the increased speed when using armadyl battlestaff[/center]

[center]Craftable legendary weapons - this is a show off of the legendary staff’s inbuilt spells[/center]

[center]Chaotic degrading/fixing[/center]


[center]Nightmare Zone[/center]

[center]Bosses with custom mechanics[/center]


[center]Gold scrolls[/center]

Looks very good and seems the content would be enjoy-able as well.
Goodluck with the server, with the right people around it could definitely become a success.

If the cape recolouring is done properly, you shouldn’t just limit them to the amount of colours you have available. There is a whole palette you can use. Raids look pretty cool, haven’t seen that on a rsps before

Good luck with the server!