★★★ AusRaiding ★★★

★★★ AusRaiding ★★★

IP: mc27.serverminer.com:25676

We are a Australian based server that likes to make top Notch servers for everyone, even if you are not Australian. The only staff on the server are the two owners, no admins or moderators, this makes us able to handle situations ourself and not have staff that abuse players by being unfair, as the two owners: JellyMuffin69 and nattyboy499, are very active! We have many plugins which optimizes your gaming experience. Some of these are:

  • Factions
  • Auctions
  • Hack Prevention Plugins & BuyCraft for ease of access when donating.

We hope you at least try our server as it is very new, and if you do not like the server please give us feedback!