Background for my rsps "A Little Piece Of Heaven" What ya'll think? EDITED


also if your viewing this from an ipad or any mobile device the letters will look darker I don’t know why. that’s why the first picture before I changed it didn’t look well, well atleast the lighting didn’t.

Text is nice looking, but the words themselves don’t match the theme.

ha i guess you dont listen to avenged sevenfold, the background is an image from a song by them called “a little piece of heaven” im naming the server after their song.

not nice at all… I could barely read the text. Try a different color or add more red around the text so I know what I’m reading. The picture behind it is too transparent… make it more visible.

the text is slanting and it’s annoying the living shit out of me

The whole thing doesn’t flow together properly.

i know guys this is my first time ever using this ima change a few things then repost thanks for the criticism though

Lighting is wierd and the picture is fuzzy.

Avenged Sevenfold <3

I like the login box better

well i switched to a different base and it has a different login screen so ima redo the sprites and im sure its gunna look x10 badass as what i have planned for it

imo people need to do more then just replacing sprites.

I think you should change the text where it says “welcome to…” to match the colour theme.

[quote=“Arcik, post:13, topic:514452”]imo people need to do more then just replacing sprites.

I think you should change the text where it says “welcome to…” to match the colour theme.[/quote]

hmm true will do thanks for opinion :smiley:

Please, I wish people would stop copy & pasting Graphics, do your own work. Don’t just slap images onto each-other.