
don’t you just love balloons
3ds max
haven’t really used 3ds max that much until now because i am doing a game dev course at college, i will be posting what i do at college when i finish them.

this is just something i thought would be fun to make.


More transparency, tad sharper reflections, less intense AO. Balloons don’t act like that.

Good start though

yeh, i try that but it is really difficult without photoshop.


some of my 2 year old balloons are on this page

wow, all of your stuff on there is amazing :L

what do you think of this

Nothing to really say, water looks good

Yeah you didn’t really do anything for the water one.

Apparently my balloons from forever ago (I still use them as a desktop) are a huge hit, because I get hundreds of hits a day for just them alone on my blog.

Same, my is my worst one but has 5k downloads

Could’ve arranged them a little better, have 2 or 3 different shapes of balloons and do what master frell said. Also, where are the um, ends…

yeh i realised the ends were missing after i looked at frells.