Banner GIF [Gimp]

Hey guys, I made this banner for my server in GIMP. Tell me what you think.

Gj m8. <3

Thank you suh :stuck_out_tongue:

dislike font and font colors

clashes too much with bg

not bad but the colors definitively need worked on, too clashy. (as vain said)

I personally like it, just the color’s could be changed a bit.

Nice job pretty cool

My question to you is, why dont you ever anti-alias your text or anything for that matter.

This was awhile ago, and I have now started to anti-alias :stuck_out_tongue: idk why I never did in the past.

looks good mate, but the ‘stroke’ you added to your texts makes it look bad

You guys are complimenting his work like he’s good. Seriously, stop giving him false confidence, or as I like to call ‘liquid courage’. Make the banner larger, use more blending and layers so it doesn’t look so choppy with the fade. Better background, better text, better colors, and it’ll look good :).

Thanks for your criticism but I would like to point out that this work is from 3 months ago and I have released some work that looks much cleaner and professional, feel free to check them out.

Oops, sorry, I saw this thread somewhere. I’ll check it out forsure.