Base Of a Userbar

Okay, so i was bored and i made this Userbar, Can you tell me what i need to improve on?
(BTW, i’m going to add “member”, “moderator”, “administrator” etc in the blank area)
Thanks guys :stuck_out_tongue:

is this suppose to be something like this:

[quote=“Host Gushers, post:2, topic:512250”]is this suppose to be something like this:[/quote]not even close. that would be a navigation bar.

No, a userbar. Next to a person’s name. For Moparscape, It’s Pikachu for Moderators.

o, it looks pretty nice, make it more unique.

Thanks i guess?

To me it looks pretty good, but I’m not much a designer. I dont’ see anything wrong with it though so gj!

Thanks :slight_smile:

I guess it’d go well with darker forums. The white on black with white everywhere doesn’t look right.
And I think that shine can be toned down a bit :3

Ok, i’ll do that on my next try.