
It’s nooby, but unfinished has quite a low poly

looks like a concrete mixer

Pretty sure planes have wings, bro.

Oh wow :eek:, you definately know how to read! I am so jealous.

You should start by boxing out your model, and getting a really low poly version. THEN add detail.

lol I gotta learn maya cause my school uses macs dammit

Yeah, maya is a brilliant program.
macs? not so much, i think the right word for a mac is “a chore” (I use mac’s at my school too, not the most thrilling experience)
IMO i dont see why people still think that they are the best computer for design. I mean, they look good? but to me, its what is inside that counts.

I thought Max and Cinema4D both had mac versions? Or are you using something else nowadays

I use max but max is very annoying to run on macs.

[quote=“Radeon, post:2, topic:412881”]looks like a concrete mixer[/quote]lold

[quote=“h1 sk1ller, post:1, topic:412881”]It’s nooby, but unfinished has quite a low poly

I’m new to this; but I have to say that’s kind of impressive! :thumbsup:

Better off posting when you’ve got a little more done, looks like 15 minutes work so far, if that.

But what you’ve got so far is okay, though the end of the main shaft looks a little uneven, as though you moved the vertices separately instead of scaling the whole circle. Also you should extrude the wheel legs or whatever they are from the main shaft instead of just having them sprout out from nowhere, as that isn’t how it is in real life either.

Maya has better controls than max, or maybe because i went from Maya to max. I prefer Maya much better than max.

Also student version :p,