Bitcoin is the currency of the resistence

Going back to another thread saying bitcoin was a ponzi scheme.
Max Keiser doesn’t bullshit.

resistance man

brb mining

Teh Spede, you are too late.

We will see when the bubble bursts.

Pwnd has become a libertarian.
Bit strange you get your news and views from a television channel called Russia Today…

Does bitcoin actually amount to anything /useful/ though?

[quote=“eczema3, post:6, topic:398475”]Does bitcoin actually amount to anything /useful/ though?[/quote]No its like RuneScape gold. Its worthless and people will buy it for high prices.

I was gonna buy ~200 back this time in 2010, wish i did now

You can buy drugs anonymously online with it. Among other illegal shit.

Afaik bitcoins are also used to buy drugs, trade cp, and in some cases buy hitmen (Although not too sure on the last case!).

All part of this whole sick and twisted “darknet” scene. Don’t dig deep, I’ve heard a few fucked up things that have come from there.

all currency is

[quote=“chri5, post:8, topic:398475”]I was gonna buy ~200 back this time in 2010, wish i did now[/quote]Hahahahah, oh god… You would have more than quadruped your money. Touch luck.

[quote=“cumescape, post:12, topic:398475”][quote author=chri5 link=topic=495611.msg3624273#msg3624273 date=1307700838]
I was gonna buy ~200 back this time in 2010, wish i did now
[/quote]Hahahahah, oh god… You would have more than quadruped your money. Touch luck.[/quote]
It was back like $0.8 then i think… $20+ now

[quote=“yakman, post:5, topic:398475”]Pwnd has become a libertarian.
Bit strange you get your news and views from a television channel called Russia Today…[/quote]I get my news from alternative outlets in general.

A botnet would be nice for this…

[quote=“T4_, post:16, topic:398475”][/quote]she is terrible at reading a script

On-topic: I am currently generating Bitcoins on a computer at home and am doing very successful with my 0.001 Bitcoins so far generated in three days total!

[quote=“mutex_, post:17, topic:398475”][quote author=T4_ link=topic=495611.msg3624586#msg3624586 date=1307733625]

[/quote]she is terrible at reading a script

On-topic: I am currently generating Bitcoins on a computer at home and am doing very successful with my 0.001 Bitcoins so far generated in three days total![/quote]Lolo i got 0.001 in under a day just for the lulz

The Bitcoin discussion starts at 41:56; and wow it’s interesting.

Bitcoins in a nutshell.