My school is giving me (well, not giving me, but you get the point) $8,850 to build 6 brand new PCs from scratch, which equals out to precisely $1,475 per computer. I must find the best quality parts and stay inside the budget. Each part needs to be the best as possible so it performs well, lasts a long time, and very reliable. I will be giving the school board a presentation which will have the following information about each part:
- Reliability rating & source
- Warranty
- Product description
- Product specification relevant to the decision process
- Why I chose each part
Here’s the part where I need you. I need to find appropriate parts for these builds. These machines will be going into the school’s Digital Media classroom, and will need to run many Adobe programs etc. This is why the parts need to be reliable. Anywho, this is the list of parts needed:
Power Supply
Keyboard & Mouse
Graphics Card
Optical Drive (CD/DvD)
HDD or SSD (leaning towards a SSD, what are your opinions? Note: mostly all the data is stored on the network. Huge amounts of disk space is not needed, and is considered overkill.)
Operating system
(Already made this choice. Sticking with Windows 7 64 bit business)
So, if you don’t know what I need help on, it’s finding the right parts for these builds. All I need is the best part for each part, while staying inside the budget. Also, when showing me a part, please tell me the reason why you choose that part. I’m not asking you to do this entire job for me, just give me some hints and tips for parts. Any questions? Ask.
Also, if you want more info about the digital media classroom, They model, make websites, make videos, make images, etc. The requirements they gave me are:
-able to run Microsoft office
-3DS max
-adobe illustrator
-adobe premiere
-adobe after effects
-adobe photoshop
-adobe fireworks
-adobe dreamweaver
and must be able to
-import videos with a digital camera
-and use scanners
All these things need to be done as fast as possible with no delay or crashing etc.