
Truthfully, I believe it’s about time casey gets vet back. Since his unban, he has shown that he has changed quite a bit. He does not seem to be trolling as much as he used to, and the phishing has obviously stopped. Not only this but he has contributed quite a bit to, mainly with helping the moderators. Even if you still don’t trust him, would it really hurt to give him vet? It’s not like he will get any powers, only the MoparScape Vet title, and access to two new boards that have nothing of a ton of importance in them.

So please, think carefully about this, and vote.

He’s been here a while, and surely deserves the title. He’s smart and a cool guy, so I vote yes.


No. I’m going to do something that I never thought I’d have to do, and I’m simply going to veto this.
And before anybody tries to start a pissing contest, you’re all well aware of the precise reasoning behind his lack of any status or power that may make him an influential person on this website.

Damn, Lothy beat me to the punch. Either way I fully agree with him and would have done the same. I will always be against any action that results in casey getting any more status or power than he has.

I am still against this ruling mitb. Seems a little unjust to me…

I still hold the same view as before, Lothy probably does too I suppose.

[quote=“Moparisthebest, post:7, topic:325806”][quote author=Newty link=topic=422220.msg3301314#msg3301314 date=1281319910]
I am still against this ruling mitb. Seems a little unjust to me…

I still hold the same view as before, Lothy probably does too I suppose.[/quote]

I know this is your site but in the past it has always been a group decision regarding every matter, including voting in vets (since the new vet system anyways.) I feel like casey has made up for what he did by staying dedicated to the site and IRC for the past few years.

Oh and don’t forget that there were other members like frank_ and silabsoft who did things they aren’t very proud of, just like casey. Yet they aren’t still stripped of their positions in the community. I will vouch for him that he has changed and I think he deserves another chance, the same as silabsoft was given.

[quote=“Newty, post:8, topic:325806”][quote author=Moparisthebest link=topic=422220.msg3301332#msg3301332 date=1281320635]

I still hold the same view as before, Lothy probably does too I suppose.

I know this is your site but in the past it has always been a group decision regarding every matter, including voting in vets (since the new vet system anyways.) I feel like casey has made up for what he did by staying dedicated to the site and IRC for the past few years.

Oh and don’t forget that there were other members like frank_ and silabsoft who did things they aren’t very proud of, just like casey. Yet they aren’t still stripped of their positions in the community. I will vouch for him that he has changed and I think he deserves another chance, the same as silabsoft was given.[/quote]

Group discussion is encouraged, but there are some things that I’ll just probably never budge on. Like a ‘black market’, or a scamming section. Anyway, this is about casey so I’ll talk about him:

(I’d prefer if you didn’t directly share this with casey, since this is a private section, but if it does leak to him it won’t bother me, I believe I’ve told him this personally before and I wouldn’t mind to do so again)

Casey is one of 2 total people I’ve met on the internet so far that fall into a category where I would NEVER consider giving them any type of power on the forum. (Since I know the question is coming, Tree is the other) Many new members register on here and crave some type of power, but when they aren’t given it in a short amount of time like on most other sites (cough they lose interest and leave. Casey and Tree are another breed, they stick around for a long time, trying to earn trust and gain this power at all costs, and they are very good talkers. They can convince most people of about anything. It’s dangerous to have anyone like that in any type of power, because they will use it for their own agenda.

This site has been up for years with a simple rule when it comes to staff, anyone who wants or desires power, or to be a member of the staff, never gets it. Period. This is the case with all current staff, including myself, we all started out helping the community any way that we could, with whatever means available to us, NONE of us wanted to be staff, but simply accepted it because we were needed. We have even offered global and admin positions to people in the past that refused them. As you may, or may not, know, I started the forums as a replacement for the forums that was shut down, so the whole community could pick up where they left off over here. I even wanted to relinquish my administrator job when enough of the old staff came back to take over, and said so in the welcome thread. Problem was only one or two of the old staff came here and wanted their old jobs back, and none of them wanted to run the forum, so I was stuck with the job and have been ever since.

Anyway, I sort of digressed, but now maybe you understand better why people like casey and tree can never have power here.

This won’t be leaked to casey, don’t worry about that. As for giving him power again I would also veto that. However Moparscape vet is not a position of power so I see no harm in that.

I agree with all the arguments you made though, they are pretty convincing :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree with Newty, it doesn’t physically give him any powers, it just gives him a sense of a higher status, like it puts him slightly above other members which I feel maybe he deserves and craves after the work he’s done in the past.
He has changed since his errors and think he deserves the position, I’m sure he would’ve learnt from his mistakes, although I do not think he should be a moderator, not at all.

Like mitb said, he just craves power and will say or do anything to get it, and I’ll admit that the only reason I posted this in the first place was because he basically bribed me to do so. At the time I didn’t see any problem with giving him vet, but now that mitb pointed all that out, I have to agree with him on not letting casey be a vet.

I do think he still cares about the community however lately he has been such the pessimist; complaining about the state of the community, its staff and obviously the members. I have found that he has changed his viewpoint on it some, for the better, and maybe the vet position could be good for him.

MoparScape Vet still gives him some level of power (or more like status) over ‘lesser’ members. Which is why I’m against it.

also gives access to this section and the privilidge of voting other vets in.

After seeing that he appologised himself out of a moderation just shows that he talks too well to the staff when trying to get what he wants.

some users are just meant to stay on irc or your buddy lists. Regex, Amerika, Casey, Tree all fall in this categories you may communicate with them on your own but a benefit but they will always do something to cause a disruption with the management of this community.