Concerning reputation ("Oh Lawd," I know)

Reputation is not reputation here. Reputation is a high five, a slap on the back, a piece of candy to make you feel good for 5 minutes. After a while, these pieces of gratitude worth close to nothing start lose their effect on you. You become immune to the achievement, because it’s given out like nothing. Obviously everyone in this section knows this, but there is a possibility to change this for others.

Reputation should be given to reputable members, praising them for things that are worth praising for. I’ve received reputation for reasons from Christmas gifts to sex bribes. Practices of this behavior have spread like a virus across the community until the definition has completely changed. New permissions need to be set. Users that have the capability of performing the correct judgment on such threads should be allowed to have reputational powers, not everyone. If this means the veterans member-group, then so be it. But as of right now, it’s doing nothing but giving users false hope, which brings me to how it could help the community.

Right now, the system is a cancer. Users distribute this false motivation promoting users to produce work that is on the grade of near to complete failure. They’re being praised for elementary work. Achievement isn’t present at all, else it’s an illusion. Though, if users were only praised for exceptional work, they would see what should really be done. This can only be done if an approved member-group were to distribute the reputation. Members will finally feel true achievement, and will want to produce better work in order to reach their highest potential.

I would also like to point out, unlike and their “community member” title, we have no requirements for moparscape veteran pertaining to reputation. This could set a prerequisite for veteran members. To start off this new update, all members reputations shall be reset to 10. The only members to remain with 50 are veterans. Once a member reaches 50, just as moparisthebest, the veterans have a choice to give that member the title of veteran.

This would solve many conflicts in moparscape such as respect, production effort, and so forth. If you have any input on the situation, please say so here. I’ve suggested this in the community suggestions thread, but it has been since ignored. I would also like to mention that this isn’t completely my idea, but a majority of it has been collected from Frell. I read a similar idea like this from one of his posts before he was a moderator and figured I’d mention it in this section.

Reputation should just be removed completely.

Tried this a year or two ago, and today is the result. Best practice on this website is to disregard it as a measure of achievement.

The real achievement would be convincing most user’s here that reputation means nothing.

It was planned to be reset again with the new awards and programming section but the idea was nerfed days before announcement.

Alll vets and mods to 50 and members to 10, with the handout limit at 20-30.

protip: mitb rep doesnt mean anything either

This is true, too. And nothing noteworthy is rep-based on the MITB portion of the website. Community Member only grants users access to an internal general discussion forum now, after a change was made months ago so that people would have to be voted in to view the actual cheating part of the internal community sections.

Well then there has to be something to replace it if it were removed. It’s a confidence booster no matter how useless it is. Without it, users might not see a reason to stay here, as sad as it sounds. All I’m saying is, it would be nice to have something that will make the members work harder.

Conor (The Soul) and I have talked about having contests and such. This seemed to work in the modeling section, so why not try to apply this concept across the forum entirely?

[quote=“Frell, post:5, topic:342220”]It was planned to be reset again with the new awards and programming section but the idea was nerfed days before announcement.

Alll vets and mods to 50 and members to 10, with the handout limit at 20-30.[/quote]
^ This would work; why shouldn’t we try it?

[quote=“Jc22493, post:9, topic:342220”][quote author=Frell link=topic=438632.msg3223572#msg3223572 date=1275364536]
It was planned to be reset again with the new awards and programming section but the idea was nerfed days before announcement.

Alll vets and mods to 50 and members to 10, with the handout limit at 20-30.
^ This would work; why shouldn’t we try it?[/quote]

We already HAVE tried it, at least two or three previous times that I remember about. Why should we believe that it would end differently this time?

[quote=“Moparisthebest, post:10, topic:342220”][quote author=Jc22493 link=topic=438632.msg3224047#msg3224047 date=1275425494]

^ This would work; why shouldn’t we try it?

We already HAVE tried it, at least two or three previous times that I remember about. Why should we believe that it would end differently this time?[/quote]
Given that the staff and vets aren’t total idiots, I say we could give it a try. There’s nothing to lose. Maybe a few rants and such, but they’ll get over it. It may even give the community a small ‘boost’ because reputation might actually have some meaning after a reset. As I said before, I really think we should try it because there’s nothing to lose.

[quote=“Moparisthebest, post:10, topic:342220”][quote author=Jc22493 link=topic=438632.msg3224047#msg3224047 date=1275425494]

^ This would work; why shouldn’t we try it?

We already HAVE tried it, at least two or three previous times that I remember about. Why should we believe that it would end differently this time?[/quote]
My argument was by changing the limit to be able to handout rep to a higher rep number (25-30) it would slow down the new people from getting it easily and repping for pointless reasons. Along with the new awards and section maybe something would be different.

I’d say 30 is a fair number.

I’m a little confused on Lothy and Moparisthebest’s rebuttals… You’re saying you’ve tried this already, but I don’t see the same circumstances? I suggested that only a specific membergroup be able to hand out the reputation, not everyone. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it doesn’t seem that this is the current case. As of now, we’re allowing members with below average judgment to distribute rep, not a responsible group of members.

oh lawd

It is only a problem because you’re making it a problem. Just ignore it.

[quote=“Jc22493, post:11, topic:342220”][quote author=Moparisthebest link=topic=438632.msg3224084#msg3224084 date=1275427066]

We already HAVE tried it, at least two or three previous times that I remember about. Why should we believe that it would end differently this time?
Given that the staff and vets aren’t total idiots, I say we could give it a try. There’s nothing to lose. Maybe a few rants and such, but they’ll get over it.[/quote]

The vets now are so much less intelligent then the old Moparscape Community Members.

I still think we should only be allowed to hand out 1 rep at a time.

i think you’re all morons

We have tried it before as-is and the staff and the vets were the same as they are now, that wouldn’t make a difference.

If we only allow one membergroup to hand out rep, what good is it? How is it chosen who gets in that group? This really makes no sense to me.

If we increase the requirement for handing out rep to 30, I think this will just delay the problem a few more weeks don’t you?

I think we should leave it as-is, and just ignore it as a measure of anything. I don’t think a person with 200 is any less knowledgeable than a person with 0, no one else should either. Whether or not the majority thinks it means anything doesn’t matter, it doesn’t to the staff, so just let it be.