Custom Crowns

I want to add some custom crowns, instead of using those 2 the server comes with, and I don’t like a lot of that I’ve seen around the net.
Here are my ranks[There’s 12, 14 including the donor ranks]:

[ol][li]Dethroned - I.E Staff that has been revoked of their rank. This title is a must for them, and cannot be changed, it shows the rest of the players they lost their rank, and can’t get it back.[/li]
[li]Ex-Staff - Someone who left on their own accord, or just isn’t active enough to keep their rank. They are still forced to wear the title, but it shows they don’t have staff on a good account, unlike above.[/li]
[li]Trial Mod[/li]
[li]Trial Admin[/li]
[li]Forum Staff[/li]
[li]Head Mod[/li]
[li]Super Mod - Not better than head mod, mod on both site and server[/li]
[li]Head Admin[/li]
[li]Super Admin - Not better than head admin, but admin on both site and server[/li]


[li][s]Super Donor[/li]
[li][s] [Possibly] Server Donor[/li][/ol]

Now, I’d like to see some creativity. But they need to be 12 x 13
For Donors, I have the Red Donor icon, but I’d like 2 recolors. 1 being green and one being purple.
A few ideas:
Forum staff - a greenish crown with a black/white F on it
Dethroned - A crown with no rank on it, behind jail bars, please make it look different than the rest. Black and while would be cool.
Ex-staff - A blank crown, preferably the one used for dethroned, just no jail bars.
Trial Staff - Blue Crown with the resembling rank on it.
Mod - Red Crown/white text.
Head Mod- White Crown/Red Text.
Super Mod- Rainbow Crown/White text (assuming it doesn’t look like shit on the rainbow)
Admin - Purple Crown/White Text.
Head Admin - White Crown/Purple Text.
Super Admin - Same as Super Mod, with admin rank on it.
Owner - This one, is really up to you. But Red/Black is always cool :wink:
I’d like them all to be the same crown, if possible. With the above edits, so my server doesn’t look funky :slight_smile:

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and if you made any crowns, make me the crowns

I’m looking for a gfx’er, if interested, please tell me.

Just for help, do you want a crown that looks like this:


[quote=“runescape sucks, post:2, topic:480999”]Just for help, do you want a crown that looks like this:

My bad, I should have posted on that :wink:
I’d prefer the top one though.

Because servers need 40 members of the staff

Also “Server Donor”? Where the hell are people coming up with this shit?

[quote=“eyeownyew, post:4, topic:480999”]Because servers need 40 members of the staff

Also “Server Donor”? Where the hell are people coming up with this shit?[/quote]
The back of my tired brain.
Got a better name for it?
but really though, I’ve had 5 hours of sleep in the past 2 days
Oh, about your remark on how many staff I have.
This system is implemented to ensure player safty, and no confusion on what players are/aren’t staff. The trial ranks are only for if a person has been newly promoted, or are on stand for abuse of power, etc.

It’s similar to Rocket’s staff implementation, but this is my own.