Custom Wind Waker game sleeve

The backdrop wasn’t made by me but I slapped on the rest


It does indeed look nice. Thanks for printing it (If that’s thank-able?) Thanks for using it! That’s what I was looking for.

My printer is retarded though and prints a big white tab that takes up ~2cm, so i decided to but the old label behind it with the white showing, so you don’t see the holes in the plastic. I really like it though, nice job :slight_smile:

[quote=“rip4d, post:2, topic:447898”]ok

[/quote]nice iphone cuntfuckerjkily

ipod touch**

[quote=“rip4d, post:6, topic:447898”]ipod touch**[/quote]didn’t know those still exist…

Best Zelda game imho.

I love the graphics for some reason.

A lot of people hate cel shading, but in my opinion it fit this game perfectly.

Legend of Zelda series are probably my favorite series of Nintendo. Some of the games aren’t that great. But still love the series.

Nice work.