Deathly Pvpz v4.1 Tyreatta-Scape! NOT BY ME!

Since Deathlypvpz v4.1 links were down and it had many bugs I decided to release my old server which is a v4.1 base. I know I am going to get hated on so badly for releasing a Deathlypvpz v4.1 base. I had this on my H: drive, I will decide to release my AncianoX. I know I was a noob back then…

For more information and pictures: V4.1. There’s no ant leech.

New Home!
Some new Sprites!
Some new cursors!
Fixed many nulls (client sided)
New Training area!
New bosses!
Better stability (A little)
Fixed Combat!
Fixed Skillcape shops!
Fixed many npc bugs!
Fixed clipping!

Hack3r: Deathlypvpz v4.1
Tyretta-Scape (Some stuff)

Owner is: Damo!

Kind of funny that you release a pile of crap, but before doing so, you bag on someone else for doing something similar:

Anyways, Pictures??
No… Nvm… I don’t think we will be needing any.

I understand this is old (as is most stuff on mopar) but the download is still viable, therefore how can you say you added in sprites but provide no cache? lmao