Fast Update List[/center]
-Fixed Pest control
-added spins for getting level 99
-added reward for combat 99s
-Fixed Master
-Removed Vote4items
-Made dung items out of dung jail instead of ban
-Lady at port sarim harbour
-Fixed milestone cape shop reqirments
-Fixed stafftab logout sender
-Added enddung and endgame
-Fixed Barbarian defence minigame
-Fixed Dungeoneering xp and tokens, and spawning
-Fixed model hardcode positioning for torva
-Added some lucky items
-Added spin ticket
-Wrecked loading bar, then fixed :D
-Added Complectionist cape emote
-New Armour in armour shop
-Added Lunar Isle, with ship
-Added New Bandit Camp NPC`s and bandits for training.
-Added Double Xp Ring
-Added auto donate for double xp ring for $2
-Added npc clipped following
-Added npc clipping for attack
-Fixed Agility points
-Removed Save, because of dupe
-added quickchats for other 99s
-All Emotes with GFX finished
-Fixed theiving cake stall
-Removed flax spinning
-Made man 10hp
-Made, 2x xp ring and lamp UNTRADABLE,unsellable/transferable
-Added Lunar Isle Bank
-Dragon Kiteshield level requirments
-Finished spec and wield shit for AQUA WHIP
-Whip Cleaning with item 3188, done
-Ragefire, Steadfast and Glaiven Boots added
-Baaws shop made
-Clipped Firemaking
-Clipped npcs walking through tiles
-Added Simple Uid System
-Added Working Mithril seeds with Leave&Pick options
-Added 100 Loyalty Points in 40mins
-Made titles and stuff in quest tab 100 points.
-Added Staff of light recolourer or 250 points. (quest tab)
-Ticket Shop At Home
-General use shop fixed up for junk
-Prices Fixed
-New Point Handler in quest tab
-Added Super Donater (issDonator == 1)
-Added ::drive and ::bank for donator, (DISSALLOWED IN MINIGAMES)
-Removed All Windows in edgeville Bank
-Added Stalls& Stall Manager at Home
-Recepie for disaster added back
-FunPk teleporter at home
-Guy shouting about fun pk at home
-Glory Amulet with working charges work
-Added Magebank Praying for god, with free cape
-Added Nulodion Back for making supers and overloads
-Added Skillcape shop All 24 skills
-Allowed people with just 1 99 Enter 99 skillcape shop
-Fixed All Pricing
Squeal Of Fortune Main
Squeal Of Fortune Reward
Nex With Working Followers+Emotes/Gfx AND attack+speeches
LoyaltyPoint Payout Per 40mins!
Nice PointHandler! (Saves Space)
Purchasable Mithrilseeds From Baaws Shop!
RegionClipped Firemaking! No nubs can noclip!
Perfected Fullscreen + SuperDonator ::Drive!
Staff Of Light Recolouring+Titles for Loyalty Points Shown Above.
StaffTab System, Credit to tutorial Maker!! From r-s
Sailing Ships
Actual Sailing Via New Cycle Events
Pest Control, Now 100%
Lodestones, Now All working
99, shoutouts, and 3 spins!
Bandit Camp Training, Via Lodestones
Lunar Isle, With Banking
Nice, Doublexp Ring
CastleWars Lobby (empty)
CastleWars Waiting Room (empty)
New Auras
Npc Clipping
Old Xp Lamp, ReFramed, No multiclick
Aqua Whip, NICE STATS!
Download Now? [FIXED]
Client : http://www.mediafire.com/?xigtlqjdn2v771c
Source : http://www.mediafire.com/?fmqp1xetgmiw73c
Cache : http://www.mediafire.com/?imyfqb3la0ntvgz
Q: Why wont the ip change in client??
A: There are three cases of “deathlypvpzvps.no-ip.biz” in client.java (client sided) CHANGE THEM ALL TO YOURS!
Q: How do i fix the steadfast boots?
A: Download the model for steadfast boots off rune-server then place it in your raw file.
Q: How do i change the client chatbox background?
A: in your cache c:/DeathlypvpzV2.2 (or along those lines) chatback.png in the main file just replace with another caches background that is the same
just without the gfx on.
Q: How do i make myself a super donator?
A: in your character file, “issdonor = 0;” change to “issdonor = 1;” and it will give your permission to use ::drive and ::bank Anywhere but minigames and wilderness.
Q: Why are you so baaws?
A: I just am im afraid, i cant help it…
Q: Where can i give you reputation on runeserver?
A: http://rune-server.org/reputation.php?p=3645046
Credits :
Gabbe <3 Insanityx Creator (base)
Some Tutorials for interfaces, and google[/center]