Demonics Minecraft Server Faction Raid/PVP at

The owners of this great server are SecrecyKilled, PrinceEdward_III, and Burnt_Poptarts.

The Co-owner is Keld_SoulEater.

The admins are Musicman523, and Zackerx.

The Moderators are xRyanFTW, RazerX, and Seperah.

Treat them all with respect or be kicked/banned.
A Little History
We come from a different world than this, a world that was once much similar to the one we now call home. It was there that secrecyKilled founded the faction, tempered by stone and steel in the very bowels of the earth itself.
PrinceEdwardIII exiled from his own kingdom for revealing his true identity as a drow, soon found a home within the cold stone walls of the Demonics underworld. He swore fealty to the Lord of the Underdark and gave his services to the faction. Swift then appeared from out of the hot desert sands and did the same. Not long after, Burnt_Poptarts revealed himself and constructed marvels for the Demonics family.
Everything seemed perfect, but it would not last.
Two rogues from out of the wilds of the overworld swept into the Demonics home and, posing as helpful accolades, demolished and desecrated the Demonics homestead.
They were quickly dealt with.
The destruction they wreaked, however, took far longer to repair, and the spiritual wounds they inflicted would never heal.
Days passed, and weeks turned into months. Demonics was at peace once again. New demons arose and swore fealty to us. Greay marvels of architecture were constructed. Many demoncs delved into the dark arts and others became heroes of war.
Disaster, however, was lurking.
The profane Emperor of the Old World enacted newordinances. Laws that would change the face of the land forever.
Factions were destroyed, families torn asunder,loyalties ground into the very dust of the earth.
The proud and powerful Demonics, masters of the Underdark, had survived many raids from rival factions, bandits, and even betrayals from within our own ranks. Yes, the Emperor cared nothing for our struggle.
He ordered that the Demonics disband their faction and abandon their home, throwing away eons of toil and loving work.
The Demons were cast into the firey pit of hell and exiled to the Nether. There, we tried to scrape out an existence amongst the unholy and the abominations that called the place home.
The Old World was coerced into “Kingdoms”, groups of people with no common interests.
Empires fell, factions crumbled, and families died.
But the Demonics perservered. We survived in the Nether for an age. But it was not our home.
The Prince of Darkness fled back into the embrace of the shadow.
The one called Swift dissappeared as quickly as his namesake.
Even the Lord of Darkness herself, SecrecyKilled, was a broken and beaten shell of her formal glory.
Burnt was no longer the creative mind he was once known for, and became restless. He challenged the authority of the Empress, but he was exiled for his words.
The future was bleak and the Demonics were nearly made no more.
Then out of the dark came hope: A New World.
The Demonics fled their oppressors and staked their claim here, on this very land you stand upon. The air was crisp, the fields fertile, and the prey ripe for the slaughter.
Secrecy, The Prince, Swift, and Burnt left their former lives behind and joined once again as the Demonics.
The Demoncs, stepping for the first time into the comforting dark of the night in their new home, smelled the crisp ocean air and felt the salty breeze on their skin.
The promise of fresh blood to spill sent its tingles down their spines.
This land belongs now to the Demoncs.
Tread with revereance friend. You are now one of us.
We crawled out from the wreckage, fingers dug into the sands of the shores. Everything we worked for is ripped apart and ruined, drowned, deep beneath a dying world.
The earth begins to open up.
Into the mouth of hell we march.
The future now holds promises and hope for us Demons.
We do not share any notions of grandieur or wild hope, but rather a cautious optimism that this land will be the place we can finally call