[quote=“Taharok, post:1, topic:297296”]This new section is just for development teams. The other section is for everything else development-related.
Like the Tutorials section, every post in this section must first be approved before appearing. Staff members will notify you if your team was denied for whatever reason.
In order to be approved, your team must meet the following requirements:
[ul][li]You need to provide some sort of evidence that your development team will be successful (ie, pictures).[/li]
[li]Your work must be your own. Stealing other people’s work is unacceptable and isn’t tolerated here.[/li]
[li]Absolutely no advertising is allowed in this section. It is simply for recruiting people for your development team. You may discuss development here with your team, as well as discuss other features you plan on developing.[/li]
[li]If you are going to post a website, you must first get it approved with an Administrator or a Global Moderator. Failure to do this will result in an infraction for advertising.[/li][/ul]
Note: This board is unique to other boards on MoparScape. Here, you have privileges to moderate your own topic. Do not abuse this ability, otherwise your topic will be locked. Keep this section for your teams. If you wish to post other related development progress, post it here.
If you have any questions, post them in this topic.
Edit: This section still needs some tweaking. Please give us a little while to perfect it. Thanks. :D[/quote]
Let me start by saying that these rules are outdated. These rules were meant to be for both the Development Team board and Server Development boards, and then the two split. To start, posts no longer require approval to appear in the board. Below I’ve made some rules that I think would be fitting for the section, as well as a few suggestions.
You need to provide some sort of evidence that your development team will be successful (ie, pictures).
It seems to me that one thread will meet this requirement, while another thread that appears to be exactly the same won’t. Perhaps instead of this vague requirement, set some actual guidelines that threads are expected to have. Examples could be an application template, a brief description of your development’s goals, and a way to contact the thread poster outside and within the forums.[/li]
Your work must be your own. Stealing other people’s work is unacceptable and isn’t tolerated here.
This doesn’t have a place in the development teams board. That said, it doesn’t have too much relevancy to recruiting developers.[/li]
[li]Clarify whether or not there is a minimal limit to how many developers a person must be looking to recruit before posting a thread, and make a point to outline that in the section rules.[/li]
[li]Allow thread owners to moderate their own threads.[/li][/ul]
That’s all for now.