Documentation of Runescape

So this is something I’ve always thought would be a good idea but that I have just now gotten off my lazy ass long enough to put in motion and become dedicated to.

Imagine for a second, a source of documentation of anything a new (or experienced) client “hacker” would need to learn about and build their own tools for Runescape. This is what I would like to see be a reality.

I have just finished installing a wiki, and I wish to populate it with content.

It is the ultimate goal to document useful classes (such as NodeList, Player, etc), and also protocols associated with the client.

Obviously, this is a huge task for me to do alone, and I need some help.

If you think this is a good idea, and are interested in helping out, then post here and I will let you know the address once I get everything configured.

And, if you don’t like this idea, please tell me why, and how I can improve this concept :).

Thanks everyone!

this has only been tried and failed like 8 other times…but if you’re legitimately up for writing a wiki, go for it.

I’m using MediaWiki, the same software Wikipedia uses.

so uhh- where is it :confused:? Why don’t you use the mitb wiki :P? Nobody uses that thing.

well, I had started something similar at although that was obviously geared toward my bot somewhat.

There is a page, though, with a probably-inaccurate history of updaters.

if anyone wants to throw some stuff on there they are welcome to.

stopped reading at “the first true updater came with aryan”

Aryan, bytecode injection? bs

actually there was a bytecode aryan updater (pd wrote it iirc), it just wasnt public. i think it has become public since then, but i dunno who has it (or who cares, these days)

If anyone wants to contribute to and/or administrate this wiki, I can give them the ability to. As marluxia said, it’s unused.

Here is his original release:

It still isn’t bytecode injection though, it just renames classes, methods, and fields in the bytecode instead of in the sourcecode like the original aryan updater did.

Sounds like a hefty task, although people will definitely use it whether or not you get the credit you deserve at the end is questionable. Not that it matters, it’s just a lot of work for little reward.

[quote=“Greeny, post:10, topic:340078”]Sounds like a hefty task, although people will definitely use it whether or not you get the credit you deserve at the end is questionable. Not that it matters, it’s just a lot of work for little reward.[/quote]Fact is, the cheating scene has been at a stand still for over a year…possibly even 2. Back when AutoRune was around everyone was motivated, partially because it was all new theory and also simply because the scene was a lot more friendly back then.

New people coming seem to have a degrading level of intelligence, and seem to have no motivation at all and want everything done for them. And in turn, people who used to be friendly and helpful have gotten fed up and are also no longer motivated to help this stand-still scene.

The only reason I want to do this is to try and get the cheating scene back on track. Give people a place to go when they have their questions etc about the client, instead of keeping it to themselves for fear of ridicule.

I don’t care about Runescape, Jagex, or this whole bloody scene anymore. The only reason I am still active here is because it is a forum that doesn’t seem to be primarily focused on Runescape anymore.

Regardless, the reason I am doing this is I have spent years of my life in the cheating scene and I don’t just want to see it fall apart because of ignorant people and a lack of motivation. The idea is, if the information is there, people will use it.

I share the same thoughts, to me the scene has been dead for a few years. I got completely uninterested in Runescape during 2006 but continued to stick around because the focus of the forum changed (not to mention IRC’s 24/7 attraction).

Seems weird that was 4 years ago, feels like months.

never gonna work go write a book karl marx

Since the scene was born, the sky has been falling and “people have been getting dumber”.

Fact is it was always a scene of leechers supported by a few dedicated individuals.

[quote=“Mopman, post:14, topic:340078”]Since the scene was born, the sky has been falling and “people have been getting dumber”.

Fact is it was always a scene of leechers supported by a few dedicated individuals.[/quote]

“Hey guys, just installed a wiki” “Hey, I’m not using mine, how about you use it!”

Yeah, I’d probably go through all the trouble installing and then just take someone elses, yeah.