Dwarf Character

Long time no post, so here is something i made a few days ago, its fully rigged and all that jazz

Just take note that these are old images taken before i stitched the two halves of the geo together

id tap that

I made a rig in maya with fk/ik and little spline handles and when I went to export it to fbx when I had it animated it gave me a ton of “complex animation” or “curve” errors…

Once you have your character animated, you will need to bake your animations to the bones, then remove everything except for the bones and the mesh

How exactly do I do that? Im not a complete maya noob but I dont know it all :stuck_out_tongue:

Google is your friend :slight_smile:

oh ive been all over google, I tried baking on FBX export, I tried selecting the bone rig and doing the keys > bake simulation and none of them worked. It did get rid of my curve errors but it didnt get rid of my complex animation error

Hmm, i think i know whats wrong… in a WoW dungeon ATM though so cant chat

Worst case scenario Ill just be using max because I got it to work pretty easily there, but I can tell that if the animations I am doing were on much more complex characters maya would def be the way to go.

Just decided to leave this here :slight_smile:
Its a turntable/zoom/rotate thingy of my model in your browser! :smiley: