I was snaked on a payment while selling this, then the user tried to release it, people are awesome.
[COLOR="#DAA520"][SIZE=5]- Links -[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="#00FF00"]Home Page[/COLOR] | [COLOR="#00FF00"]Forums[/COLOR] | [COLOR="#00FF00"]Play Now[/COLOR] | [COLOR="#00FF00"]FAQ[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#DAA520"][SIZE=5]- Features -[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SPOILER=Features][COLOR="#00FF00"][COLOR="#DAA520"]-[/COLOR]Dwarf Multi Cannon
-Single and Duo Slayer task
-Boss Slayer Tasks
-Gloabal server Announcements
-Working Trivia bot
-8 Minigames
-11 Boss’s
-5 Floors of Dungeoneering
-Team Dungeoneering
-Working Construction
-Teleporting Interfaces
-Armadyl Staff and Runes
-Crafting Armadyl Runes
-100% Money Pouching storing up to 25B
-Working Quick Prayers
-100% Summoning
-Processed Quest tab updating
-100% Working Galkon Clan Chat
-Dicing and Mithril Seeds
-New Pest Control System added
-Castle Wars system
-Clan wars in the making
-FFA Minigame
-4 Quests
-FULLY working bank tabs and bank system
-Skilling Task and Point System
-Youtube Management System
-Custom Dungeoneering
-Great Skills
-Recieve cash in coin pouch for skilling
-Inferno Adze
-Burning effect
-Over 3 Months of Online time[/COLOR][/SPOILER]
[COLOR="#DAA520"][SIZE=5]- Media - [/SIZE][/COLOR]
Download link : https://www.dropbox.com/s/bsomi67vcof213g/Package%20-%20Eden.rar?dl=1