Eden - A new way - Release

I was snaked on a payment while selling this, then the user tried to release it, people are awesome.


[COLOR="#DAA520"][SIZE=5]- Links -[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="#00FF00"]Home Page[/COLOR] | [COLOR="#00FF00"]Forums[/COLOR] | [COLOR="#00FF00"]Play Now[/COLOR] | [COLOR="#00FF00"]FAQ[/COLOR]

[COLOR="#DAA520"][SIZE=5]- Features -[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SPOILER=Features][COLOR="#00FF00"][COLOR="#DAA520"]-[/COLOR]Dwarf Multi Cannon
-Single and Duo Slayer task
-Boss Slayer Tasks
-Gloabal server Announcements
-Working Trivia bot
-8 Minigames
-11 Boss’s
-5 Floors of Dungeoneering
-Team Dungeoneering
-Working Construction
-Teleporting Interfaces
-Armadyl Staff and Runes
-Crafting Armadyl Runes
-100% Money Pouching storing up to 25B
-Working Quick Prayers
-100% Summoning
-Processed Quest tab updating
-100% Working Galkon Clan Chat
-Dicing and Mithril Seeds
-New Pest Control System added
-Castle Wars system
-Clan wars in the making
-FFA Minigame
-4 Quests
-FULLY working bank tabs and bank system
-Skilling Task and Point System
-Youtube Management System
-Custom Dungeoneering
-Great Skills
-Recieve cash in coin pouch for skilling
-Inferno Adze
-Burning effect
-Over 3 Months of Online time[/COLOR][/SPOILER]

[COLOR="#DAA520"][SIZE=5]- Media - [/SIZE][/COLOR]

Download link : https://www.dropbox.com/s/bsomi67vcof213g/Package%20-%20Eden.rar?dl=1


I like the release but out of curiosity why did you leave all the information about your servers players inside the source that could lead to issues with their computers or accounts else where. But i am usually talking to myself.

Does that even matter.
The source is nothing special.

[quote=“dannymoparscape, post:3, topic:555212”][quote author=D3i7y link=topic=674138.msg4507117#msg4507117 date=1460860440]
I like the release but out of curiosity why did you leave all the information about your servers players inside the source that could lead to issues with their computers or accounts else where. But i am usually talking to myself.

Does that even matter.
The source is nothing special.[/quote]

He isn’t referring to the source.
He is referring to confidential information such as their logged IP addresses and whatnot.