Editing old posts

Don’t know when or why this was ever added, but it seems that you no longer can edit posts that are even just a few months old. can this please be changed back?

edit: I didn’t make that petition that RSCShadow posted

Dunno how many times we have to request for it to be changed back to normal. They just won’t listen!

yep. and mopar said he even wanted our posts to be on version control or something. well, something like that, anyway.

Yeah I agree pretty dumb feature, I wanted to edit a post from last year with an updated link so I didn’t have to post a new one, well guess what I can’t


Could have just made a poll ^^

That petition is stupid, if you feel insecure about your posts than I guess you shouldn’t have created the post in the first place.

And if your posts are discovered to be inaccurate? Who cares! Fuck anyone who finds the post and uses it as reference! Fuck 'em!

[quote=“Jmood, post:7, topic:544137”]That petition is stupid, if you feel insecure about your posts than I guess you shouldn’t have created the post in the first place.[/quote]this is the most retarded post i’ve ever seen, wow

the post you just made should make you feel insecure out of stupidity.

Mopar is dying because of stupid shit like this (talking about the fact you can’t edit posts)

[quote=“enzo42, post:11, topic:544137”]Mopar is dying because of stupid shit like this (talking about the fact you can’t edit posts)[/quote] I can feel my brain cells dying and my blood pressure rising.

OT: It goes both ways. Looking at R-S, a lot of the help threads get removed once people find the solution even though it may benefit someone else. This usually results in a ton of redundant threads. :\

What does he want an archive of every post now? I’m sure you could save each post to a db with some columns to show edited text , deleted/time etc.

See when you grow up a little and come back to this post in a couple months, you’ll realize how retarded that post was (even though it’s half true, it’s just an example) but unfortunately you won’t be able to remove it, so people will always think you’re retarded and use that post against you :wink:

I throw out retarded posts all the time without a single eye twitch because I don’t care what you tribesmen think about them or me. If you care what people over the Internet think about you then I hate to see how hard life hits you.

I met a guy online, he thinks I’m retarded because I’m a retard at coding and make pointless comments. Regret ever posting it, can’t even edit or delete the post :frowning:

Eventually he started spreading it to the point my parents called me a failure and grounded me so I could l2code.

3 Tips your parents don’t want you to know!

Who takes 2 weeks to find a solution?

wow OP was this really necessary?.. they’re just posts…

Just start new threads until it becomes a problem!
