Endure Origins | Heroes may die, but true legends Endure

[center]Hello everyone. Today marks the day of a new era. I would like to introduce Origins.

Wade & Ryan

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[B]Note:[/B] Before playing, please note you must be signed up on the forums to play.

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  • 25x XP Rate on Combat Stats
  • 20x XP Rate on Skills


  • Faster Restoring Energy
  • 20x XP Rate on Combat Stats
  • 25x XP Rate on]Guild & Guild Chat

After a total level of 800 has been reached, you may choose to make their own guild by visiting Falador’s Guild Agent. Afterwards, they can select their home between a few choices. Everyone in the guild can chat using ‘Guild Chat’. There is a ‘rank’ system in place, allowing the leader to promote or demote as they see fit. Rank 10 gives the member access to the noticeboard where leaders can leave notes for their other guild members. The guild persists between log ins and server restarts. Each guild has a ‘service’ desk, along with an orb you may use to order services for your guild for a limited amount of time. For example, you may order food for your guild, ammo, a stove, a nurse, a slayer master, and a few other things.


Partys in Origins are used mostly for coinshare, though some missions or minigames may require you to use them to enter as a group. To view your party toggle with the green button in the invitation window.

Invitation Window

This is the window where all invites (the last 4) are received from other players.

There are many slayer monsters spread across Origins. When you approach the slayer master you will be able to choose the difficulty of task you want and throw tasks out you don’t like. Of course some monsters require a Slayer level. For example Abyssal Demons require a Slayer of 85. We have three dungeons. Since we are using the world as a whole for our server we must have guides to get you around. There is Monster Guide in game that will direct you to your slayer task and also give a short description of the drops you will receive from that particular monster.

Scavengers get 25x XP in skills. I wouldn’t call this a remake because of some of the custom ways we train skills. For example, players who achieve 99 thieving can rob stores and thieves at level 25 have access to Apprentice Chests (they will need a lockpick at the thieving store to open them).

[B]Flawless drop system [/B]
Our drop system is most accurate to the method Jagex used in 2007. The Rare Drop Table is also included in the overall drops of a slayer monsters specifically.

Money Making
The main way to make money is through slayer, but those that are skilling are the ones who have to create currency in the game either by selling to stores or alching items. Pickpocketing is also a fast way to make money. If you’ve done a quest (won’t say which!) you can sell gold ore to a little dwarf for some pocket change. Gold panning is also a nice way to make quick cash.

Gold Panning
This is a fairly new aspect in Origins. Players can buy a prospectors pan at the Digsite and begin their adventure in riches. There are three locations for panning: Digsite, East Ardougne, Mountain Camp. The Mountain Camp is the best place to pan for gold, but beware the Ice Troll who will guard the body of water that contains the precious minerals.

Boss Scrolls
Boss scrolls are scrolls players receive on the rare drop table and through some chests that are locked across the world. If you receive one of these you can emerge you and your friends via the Party System into the mission collecting XP lamps and items as a reward. We have boss scrolls to keep players from ‘camping’ more difficult bosses and keeping their valuable items within the desired threshold of how many ‘rare drops’ are in game.

Our only form of gambling on Origins as of now is Unicorn Racing. There are seven unicorns that you can have the option to bet win, place and show on. Those who have been to the horse races in real life may know what each bet type is. If you don’t, ask the cashiers at Feldip Hills Downs your next visit. Gambling has a capacity limit and therefor is not a valid way to ‘make bank’.

[B]Ship Transportation[/B]
This is for those who don’t have the magic level or who don’t feel like crossing White Wolf Mountain. Port Sarim, Catheraby and Ardougne are interconnected ports you can travel to and from. Remember to stay aware of the Scavenger and Mercenary area locations, because one area is on the western hemisphere and the other, the eastern hemisphere. A scavenger can still get combat starters and vice versa.

[B]Extra Info[/B]

  • Integrated launcher that allows auto-updating and auto-login.
  • There is a ‘pet’ system that allows you to own exotic pets. (ex: cows, clockwork cats, and more)
  • There is a quest system in place that allows us to create quests in an advanced but quality-conserving manner.
  • We offer a few minigames at this time; Barrows (requires quest), Unicorn Racing (please do not feed our slaves), a small zombie-like minigame, and there are a few more currently being worked on.
