Feed the Beast Update & Info

I’m happy to announce that after general community feedback, the feed the beast server has upgraded to the Ultimate Pack. We have felt that this decision will have positive effects on the gameplay and hope all that are on the server enjoy the change.

The version that is currently running is 1.1.2, this may be changed via the launcher.

Remember, if you wish to apply to be whitelisted on the modded server, then feel free to shoot a moparcraft staff member a private message and we will be more than happy to add you onto the list.

Lastly we have had a number of posts and messages regarding the state of the vanilla server and why it is yet to update to 1.5.2. As we run the server with plugins to ensure that all members have a safe and enjoyable experience, each update that mojang pushes through we have to wait an extended period of time before we are able to make the change. The reason for this is each plugin needs to be individually updated by the creator to allow the changes in gameplay to not affect their plugin.

As it stands, CraftBukkit has not released a recommended build for the 1.5.2 version, so we are unable to update at this time.

Hopefully the person doing the upgrade knows what he’s doing. And whatever you do, do not (I repeat DO NOT) regenerate already generated chunks so they will have the new content since most of the time you’ll just corrupt the world :confused: (I am not sure if there are mods in mindcrack that are not included in ftb ultimate so you basically have to world edit those blocks out or the server will keep crashing on startup)

Also, you can dupe with one of the minechem blocks (I won’t say which one since I basically discovered it on accident and no fix has been released for it afaik) so take a gander into that and find out for yourself :stuck_out_tongue:

also enjoy the memory leaks :smiley:

As if I learned mindcrack, theres more now :frowning:

In regard to the downtime:

I’m working on it, we’ve just finished dealing with vanilla now we’re turning our attention to FTB. We’re going to have to review the issues, and potentially disable segments of plugins or remove them entirely. Just to put this into perspective, the vanilla server with 4 worlds uses 20%CPU maximum, whereas FTB uses 80%CPU while being idle, and 100% on login. This is causing the web server to be taken down, and everything else on the server suffers drastically. It’s a security risk to allow such a rampant resource hogger to be influenced so easily by players, so until this is fixed the FTB server is suspended until we deem it workable enough to run on its own.

As it stands chunk loaders, quarries, mystcraft and issues of overflowing item stacks would appear to be constituting to a lot of resource usage. At some point in the near future I will post a temporary topic stating you have 24 hours to remove all items from mystcraft worlds (or other areas), if you fail to do so within the allotted period you will loose everything you have on the worlds as the ability for players to generate worlds is being revoked, and all past worlds removed. Unfortunately, this isn’t even near the type of cuts we need to run the FTB server again so there may be a lot of features which are removed, or changed a lot.

We’ve tried to optimize it by providing explicit and custom runtime parameters to help with garbage collection, and threading the only other idea was to upgrade to Java 7 so we could use some of the experimental ones (which might not work at all, hence experimental), and even plugins aimed at performance easing. This day was always going to come eventually, FTB is such a clunky and badly done cluster of modifications. Here is a quick list of where we stand:

[ol][li]The removal of chunk loaders causes the CPU usage to drop by ~20%[/li]
[li]The removal of mystcraft worlds causes the CPU and RAM to drop by relative %s, for example generating a new world is CPU expensive[/li]
[li]Reconfigured chicken chunks to be less clingy[/li][/ol]

Next on the list are suggested items like quarries, and mass items overflowing onto the world.

BuildCraft doesn’t register quarries with the player chunk system, so the only true limiter on them is to just ban them from the game.


If you play the FTB server and think you know what could be causing the massive amounts of lag and stress on the server please tell us so that we can resolve it.

me shite computer is whats been stopping me from going on
and runescape2007
and halo4
im sorry please dont wreck my house

Okay, we’re in the experimental stage. The server is online, post any issues here please.

is the server for this still going?
