First ever banner with photoshop

Hey guys yeah so i got photoshop cs6 yesterday and have been playing around with it figuring out how to use it
etc and i thought the first thing id do was make a banner for my rsps yeah so its not the greatest but if you could leave a comment giving me some feedback on what you think it can help me improove so yeah here it is…

All you did was add the text to a banner someone else made.

And the text is hard to read to me.

Thanks for the critism

Change the name of this thread to “First text ever did in photoshop”

You could improve it by making your own.

lol this is leeched from the request section…

well the background is

[quote=“Cole1497, post:5, topic:448519”]You could improve it by making your own.[/quote]hahaha +

[quote=“KroniKz_, post:6, topic:448519”]lol this is leeched from the request section…

well the background is[/quote]Yeah, we all know, it was already brought up.

Done. Haha.
