You might have noticed a slight downtime this morning as the forum was upgraded to the latest version of SMF (currently 2.0.7). We had been on a highly modified 2.0 RC2 since January 2010. I had been manually applying security fixes over the years but not much else, and it was so heavily modified that automatically installing mods or themes was not an option. I believe I have applied all the modifications that we need to the latest forum, and this time I did it the right way and am keeping the live running forum with a record of all changes in a public github repo. So if you’d like to suggest a change to the forum now, and we like it but I don’t have time to implement it myself, anyone is now free to implement it themselves and send me a pull request on github, then I can automatically merge and deploy the new functionality.
As part of this upgrade, all remnants of the ‘multi forum mod’ have been removed, so all categories/boards that used to be on other sites but are now considered ‘Archived’ are hidden by default, but can be shown/hidden by following the link at the bottom of the forum, or these links here:
View Archived Boards
Hide Archived Boards
I’ve also removed everyone’s avatars and removed the ability to link to an external avatar, you now must upload your own avatar to the forum.
Of course let me know if you see anything broken or missing, and if you’d like to suggest a new theme or something else, feel free, there is nothing technical stopping them from being implemented now!