Gaming Rig; Build one or Buy one?

I can get this rig here for about 600$CAD:
Intel Q6600 Quad core processor
4GB DDR2 Ram
Nvidia GeForce 9800 GT Video card
EVGA nForce 750i SLI Motherboard
750Wattt Corsair Power Supply 750TXV2&manufacture=Corsair
Seagate 7200 rpm 500gb Hard drive
Antec 900 Case

I plan on playing Runescape; of course. Minecraft, Garrysmod, CounterStrike, Call of Duty: MW.
Could I build a better rig for that price or should I just buy one.
I have a budget of about 700$.

With the games you chose, I don’t even think you need that.

I recently looked at the prices for a similar spec build to what you posted and found I could build a near identical build for a little less than $700 CAD but I’m not too sure how well the exchange rate works out

if you want to build your own rig you can most likely do it yourself and maybe get a little extra performance out of it, if you need a shopping list link us an online store you don’t mind buying from

I can buy from basically any site that ships to Canada. I’m thinking

While this is about $100 above your budget, it is far superior to what you could have bought for $600 (in fact, that rig is basically made up from parts that’s an entire generation old).

Keep in mind that the HDD is expensive simply because of the floods in Thailand. If you’re not in a hurry i would suggest waiting until they drop back to normal prices again ($40-50). Alternatively you could pick one up second hand.

[quote=“Speljohan, post:5, topic:425438”]

While this is about $100 above your budget, it is far superior to what you could have bought for $600 (in fact, that rig is basically made up from parts that’s an entire generation old).

Keep in mind that the HDD is expensive simply because of the floods in Thailand. If you’re not in a hurry i would suggest waiting until they drop back to normal prices again ($40-50). Alternatively you could pick one up second hand.[/quote]
Stupit, definitely go with this if you can stretch your budget. You wont regret it!

Okay. So that rig that spel has there, is there any bottlenecking at all? Would there be any heat problems?

bottleneck would be the graphics card for another few generations

other than that it’s about as best as you can get

just fyi I went from a q6600 with a 9800gtx to an i5 2500k with a 570gtx and the difference was quite amazing

So the graphics card will bottleneck? I’m sure it’s fine for the games I play. If not, I’ll just save more money for a better graphics card. If anyone can find any other suggestions, that’d be great.
Thanks Spel and Niall.

[quote=“Stupit, post:7, topic:425438”]Okay. So that rig that spel has there, is there any bottlenecking at all? Would there be any heat problems?[/quote]Heat won’t be an issue, the graphics card is very cool. The stock cpu cooler isn’t very good, so i suppose you could pick up a better one ($30-50 somewhere), but it isn’t absolutely neccessary if you have a really tight budget.

Also: With that Graphics Card you can play any game currently out on the market with at least Medium settings on 1920x1080 resolution.

Okay, better than I expected. I will most likely get this build next payday. Thanks Spel.

[quote=“Stupit, post:11, topic:425438”]Okay, better than I expected. I will most likely get this build next payday. Thanks Spel.[/quote]

It’s probably better than i said actually.

Thanks a lot for the help. I really appreciate it Spel.

[quote=“Speljohan, post:5, topic:425438”]

While this is about $100 above your budget, it is far superior to what you could have bought for $600 (in fact, that rig is basically made up from parts that’s an entire generation old).

Keep in mind that the HDD is expensive simply because of the floods in Thailand. If you’re not in a hurry i would suggest waiting until they drop back to normal prices again ($40-50). Alternatively you could pick one up second hand.[/quote]
Good choice Spel.

Sorry for bumping this, but I didn’t really feel like making a new topic. Anyway, so I’ve heard that has some good prices for parts. I still plan on going with spels build, but can anyone make a similar build that might be a bit cheaper on there?