Goudont - Final release. Noob Friendly | Quests | Minigames | All 25 skills

[quote=“goudont, post:60, topic:544767”][quote author=Dyl4n20 link=topic=663645.msg4459323#msg4459323 date=1416694153]
Is there not a characters file? Im puzzled by this. Also, I cant seem to make myself owner.

EDIT: i found the savedgames file, not a big fan of it personally.

Sorry to hear that, but I find xml easier to do for character files, personally.
look into it, play around with it a bit and see if you get used to it.

Json > XML.

[quote=“sk8rdude461, post:61, topic:544767”][quote author=goudont link=topic=663645.msg4460300#msg4460300 date=1417230601]

Sorry to hear that, but I find xml easier to do for character files, personally.
look into it, play around with it a bit and see if you get used to it.

Json > XML.[/quote]

me > you

kidding. I use xmls anyway. they’re messy, but I find reading them to be easier, personally.

[quote=“goudont, post:62, topic:544767”][quote author=sk8rdude461 link=topic=663645.msg4460323#msg4460323 date=1417236203]

Json > XML.


me > you

kidding. I use xmls anyway. they’re messy, but I find reading them to be easier, personally.[/quote]
I find json to be easier to read and the server can read it really fast (I’ve seen ~1m lines of json read in under 2 seconds).

[ { "id": 1, "name":"Name", "data": [ 1,2,3,4,5 ], } ]
There’s an example of some json :3
You should try it, google has a library for json and it really helps. https://code.google.com/p/google-gson/

[quote=“sk8rdude461, post:63, topic:544767”][quote author=goudont link=topic=663645.msg4460636#msg4460636 date=1417394186]

me > you

kidding. I use xmls anyway. they’re messy, but I find reading them to be easier, personally.
I find json to be easier to read and the server can read it really fast (I’ve seen ~1m lines of json read in under 2 seconds).

[ { "id": 1, "name":"Name", "data": [ 1,2,3,4,5 ], } ]
There’s an example of some json :3
You should try it, google has a library for json and it really helps. https://code.google.com/p/google-gson/[/quote]

I guess that’s something new to try. A LOT cleaner. what would a character file would look like? (actual file, with full codes)

[quote=“goudont, post:64, topic:544767”][quote author=sk8rdude461 link=topic=663645.msg4460646#msg4460646 date=1417398360]

I find json to be easier to read and the server can read it really fast (I’ve seen ~1m lines of json read in under 2 seconds).

[ { "id": 1, "name":"Name", "data": [ 1,2,3,4,5 ], } ]
There’s an example of some json :3
You should try it, google has a library for json and it really helps. https://code.google.com/p/google-gson/

I guess that’s something new to try. A LOT cleaner. what would a character file would look like? (actual file, with full codes)[/quote]
I have no idea. I’ve been meaning to convert my server’s save files to json. Maybe I’ll have an answer for you later.

Can someone please help me my compiler isn’t working this is what happens http://gyazo.com/216270279e668937cf5cdf534a4b4e54
any idea what i’m doing wrong?


silly question but where do i change shop coords??? :expressionless:

How do I make this server accessible to my friends? I already port-forwarded but it’s not working.

Do let me know.

[quote=“levyys, post:66, topic:544767”]Can someone please help me my compiler isn’t working this is what happens http://gyazo.com/216270279e668937cf5cdf534a4b4e54
any idea what i’m doing wrong?[/quote]

what in the hell? I don’t think you’re using my client.
err, compile with jdk 6.

there’s a construction bench at home, next to the guy who sells supplies for the skill

not silly at all. Go to data > npcs > unpackedSpawns.txt and look for the id of the npc, and change the coords beside it,

106 - 2020 4254 1

if I wanted to change it, then I’d do

rub my tits and I’ll tell you
set the ip of the hoster (or no-ip) into ClientSettings.java, compile, and distribute the client among friends or the public.

Hey goudont, i’m wondering how to make myself admin/owner, yes i changed everything in commands and packethandler or w.e it was called to my name from ‘goudont’ the other username to my name. Also another question, is it possible for the map to not be snowy?

replace my name with yours in actionsender.java

and the snow’s a little easter egg/feature that activates every winter and goes away the rest of the season. You could remove it, yes.

I’ve been compiling with jdk1.6.0_45 and i’m still getting that compiler error. What do you suggest i do?

that’s not my client, though. I don’t know what you’re using. I don’t use xml files in my client.

How do i change the ip to localhost?

the ip should already be set to local host.
if not, go to client > src > clientsettings.java
and change whatever the ip is in

ip = “123.456.789”

so it becomes

ip = “”;


ip = “”;

compile and save, and run your client with the server on.

where do I have char log ?

Data > savedgames

thanks for helping on my last question goudont, i also have a problem with range where you have to keep clicking on the npc to attack it, any ideas what that is?

PlayerVsNpc.java, remove the arrow removing method.
or player.java, remove the line in the addHitExp method that removes arrows.